Ethan was complaining yesterday of a sore throat. He would whine every time he had to swallow and would just moan because it hurt. But he would still yell and make all kinds of noise, so I didn’t think much of it. But today he asked me to look in his throat and it was quite swollen and then he actually asked to go see the doctor, and that is just not normal for that boy. So I called up the doctor after-hours and made an appointment to take him in. Kyle came with us and sat in the room with Ethan, while I waited in the waiting room with the others. The nurse took a swab to the back of Ethan’s throat 🙁 and did a culture. The culture was positive, he has strep throat. 🙁 What a way to start out the winter break (at least he won’t miss any school). The doctor gave him a presciption and said that he would be contagious for the next 24 hours. (YAY he won’t still be contagious by Christmas, so the family can still come over.)