Update on Chloe

Well today has been really a miserable day. I know things could be worse than they are, but they certainly could be better too. The pediatrician on call today came to my room to tell me that Chloe’s white blood cell count has actually increased from the last time they counted. Which means that they will need to continue the IV antibiotics for the next week, and Chloe won’t be coming home with us tomorrow. 🙁 I am SO upset. I’ve spent most of the day just crying. He said they also needed to put her on a feeding tube, to be able to get some food into her tummy so she can learn what it feels like to be hungry. Right now she’s just been on IV fluids and is so lethargic, and has no concept of hunger that it’s not really working to go in there and nurse her. I keep trying, and I tickle her and blow on her, and unwrap her and touch her, and talk to her, and the nurse helps with rubbing Chloe down with her cold hands to try to wake her up and we are just not having any success with it. And they have decided to put her on previcid (for reflux) since she keeps coughing yucky stuff up, and she chokes on it most of the time. The only ‘good’ news I have to report is that she has been off the oxygen since yesterday afternoon, and she is breathing just fine now.


2 thoughts on “Update on Chloe”

  1. Poor little girl, I hope that she turns around soon. It is very good progress to be off the oxygen. She looks so sweet in this picture. Hang in there!

  2. Even with the little tube, what a PRETTY little girl she is. 🙂 Remember that you’re in our prayers.

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