Personally, I wanted to call this post “It All Started With Chicken Crap” but for some reason, my wife didn’t like my idea. She’s not as creative as I, obviously.
I was at work, and I got a random link to the website First time I had heard of the site, so I browsed around a bit and found this page. It seemed really cool, like someone had dipped pancakes into some colourful syrups and stacked them, so I sent Rebecca the link. She must’ve liked it, because with a quick google search, and with the first link she clicked, found the original site the image came from, and linked it back to me.
She had actually used food colouring to make the batter different colours, and had included the recipe on her site! Rebecca got excited and decided to test it out for the next morning. Since we have little kids, we decided on small (silver dollar size) pancakes, which made cute little stacks around 2 inches in diameter, and two inches tall.
Considering the kids are normally so finicky about their pancakes (they normally eat one or two, sometimes three if the syrups are good), for us to see two to three STACKS of pancakes consumed by some of the kids was absolutely stunning! The pancakes didn’t even have any special flavours; they were just plain pancakes with standard syrup on them. Fortunately the batter made enough stacks that we were able to save around 10 of them for the next day, which were promptly devoured.
Two thumbs up for the great idea!
What a great idea!!!