Spending the last month unemployed was interesting. Before I left Symantec, I had multiple companies approach me for a job, which I turned down. Now when I actually needed something, nobody seemed interested. I have contacted all the companies I heard from before, and they weren’t looking anymore. So, spending the month trying to contact anyone I knew, eventually I got in for an interview at EMC, a company my old manager went to. They seemed interested in my abilities and made an offer, and after a runaround with verification and screening tests, I started today.
Going from Venafi with its 100-ish employees, to an office with over 700 employees, it definitely felt like EMC is a huge company. I got in and started setting myself up, and had a meeting with our site director, who happened to be a manager at Symantec that I really liked. It’s good to be working under him again. But aside from this, it feels like I have a whole lot to learn again, and that thought is overwhelming.