Priesthood and Blessings

For breakfast this morning we had the baked french toast and hashed brown casserole that I helped prep yesterday. The baked french toast came out a little over done, and the brown sugar was kind of crunchy instead of gooey. 🙁

We got to church about half an hour early for Jeff’s ordination to the office of Elder. And just being ordained an Elder, he was able to bless Rexton and then Brooklyn during sacrament meeting. Debby got to sit in the circle to hold Rexton on her lap since he is so much older than most babies typically are when they are blessed. Jeff’s family wanted to take pictures immediately following sacrament, but Kyle and I both had sleeping kids on us so we asked if we could do them back at the house later….Debby and Jeff were fine with that but still had to take pictures with Jeffs family because they insisted (they weren’t staying for the rest of church, but Debby & Jeff and the rest of us were). After church Debby did ask someone to take a picture of the rest of us at the church before going back to their house.

Back at Debby and Jeff’s place we got out the food and fed everyone. I got the ice cream maker going to make a second batch so there would be enough ice cream for both sides of the family. The main meal was completely consumed then Jeff and his family left to go to some museum. They told us before they left, that they would have ice cream when they got back. We were also waiting for them to come back so we could actually take the pictures that we said we would take with everyone at the house. They were gone so long that Grandpa and Grandma gave up on waiting for them and they left to go back to their hotel so they could get enough rest before their flight the next day. The rest of us eventually gave up waiting for them to return and we just had ice cream without them so we could put the kids to bed. We were actually getting the kids ready for bed when they finally made their re-appearance.

I tried taking some pictures of Brooklyn before getting her ready for bed, but she was pretty much done with the day. So we’ll have to try for some pictures tomorrow.

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