Chloe Rolled Over!

YAY! Chloe rolled over today. She’s been almost rolling over for awhile now, but today she figured out how to get her arm out of the way and actually go all the way over.


Isn’t it funny how babies always roll over, then they get mad because they don’t like being on their tummy, and can’t figure out how to get back over. So you flip them back onto their back, and they roll over to their tummy again, and get mad all over again……I think that’s funny. 🙂

Stitches :(

Well one of my kids has finally done something to require stitches. 🙁 Up until now we’ve never had to deal with anything like this. Kids get bonked that’s normal. I’ve dealt with cuts, scrapes & bruises before, but alas, almost 7 years into being a mommy, Ethan decided he wasn’t going to watch where he was going, and he got hurt. The story goes like this:

He was throwing around a cardboard ring (trash really but he was playing with it). He would throw it, then he would run to go get it, basically playing “catch” with himself. He threw it into my room (which is a huge mess) and I was in there folding laundry so I asked him to go back to his room and finish cleaning it up so I could vacuum. SO he threw the cardboard ring into his room. Then he ran to go get it, and that’s when it happened….. He was NOT watching where he was going. Jeremy was playing on the rug in their room and Ethan tripped over Jeremy and went flying and hit his head on the side of his bed. I heard him freaking out, rolled my eyes (he over-reacts quite a lot these days) and I asked Kyle if he would go find out what happened. Then I hear Kyle freaking out. So I put down the laundry and went to go see what Ethan had done. He had a gash about an inch long on his forehead, bleeding everywhere. So Kyle handed Chloe to me, and got Ethan a washcloth to put on his forehead and took him to the instacare for stitches. 🙁

He got 4 of them:


Why does he look so happy???? Well it could be that he got a lolly pop, some stickers and a Woody toy out of it. Kyle decided that he was so good for the stitches (no crying or squirming, just some whimpering) so he decided to take Ethan to the store to pick a toy.

Later he said that he was hoping that his body would fly up and land ON his bed, but he missed and hit the side of the bed instead.

Just seeing him with that owie on his forehead reminds me of the time he fell over and hit his head on an alphabet block:


January 2004


On the road home from my parent’s house, the kids said that Dinah was getting out of her car seat. WHAT? So I turned around and sure enough:


She was halfway out of her seat. Well we weren’t even to Vegas yet, and we were on the road so there really wasn’t anything for me to do, but tell her to sit back down (which didn’t work) so I took out my camera and got a picture. At least it distracted her a bit and the little ham even smiled when she saw the glow of my camera in the dark. Silly girl. At least we were almost in Vegas and were planning on stopping there for dinner anyways.

Happy Birthday Jeremy

Jeremy turned 4 yesterday! He was happy to have his birthday at Grandpa & Grandma’s house. I made a cake with my new KitchenAid 😉 and we sang to Jeremy and had cake for breakfast (with bacon, eggs pancakes and hashed browns of course). Then before we headed off to church we let Jeremy open the rest of his birthday presents. (Grandpa Tom and Grandma Kathy, Jeremy LOVES the Buzz jammies that you sent him. LOVES THEM!)

Other than that Jeremy spent most of his birthday in the car driving home. 🙁 But at least we had cake, he opened presents and he got to be with Grandpa & Grandma on his birthday. Grandpa even announced that it was his birthday over the pulpit at church. 😉

Baptism & Confirmation

This is the whole reason for the trip to California this weekend, my Grandma Shirley has decided that she wants to be baptized, and there was just no way I was going to miss it. 😉

Grandma moved in with my parents a few months ago, because she didn’t want to live alone anymore. She has been living on her own for the past 16 years since my Grandpa Denzel died, but she’s getting older and felt that it was time for a change. She started going to church on Sunday’s, looking forward to the 3 hours of air conditioning each week (my parent’s don’t have air conditioning at their house). The missionaries, would come and talk to her, but nothing seemed to be serious. Really I don’t know much of the story, but she felt something when she would come to church. When the Bishop of my parent’s ward put his hand on her back in greeting her, she FELT something. So she decided to meet with the Bishop, and ask him what our church is all about. WHY was she feeling the way she did when she came to church? What was it that she felt when he touched her? They had a good talk and the topic of baptism came up, to which Grandma insisted that she had already been baptized. The Bishop explained that baptism needs to be done by one holding the proper authority in order for it to be valid. Then, I’m sure after much contemplation, she decided that she wanted to be baptized.

So on 28th November 2009 my Grandmother became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. At the service Patsy gave the opening prayer, Wendy gave a talk on baptism, and Kyle gave a talk on the Holy Ghost, I led the music, Dad baptized Grandma, and a bunch of missionaries sang a few hymns while Grandma and Dad were changing out of their wet clothes, and a member of their ward gave a beautiful musical number. After the missionaries finished singing the songs they planned on singing and the pianist was just playing some more hymns as we waited for Dad and Grandma to finish dressing in dry clothes, Dinah was just as happy as she could be holding a hymnbook open and singing to her heart’s content. She can’t read. And she wasn’t singing anything recognizable, but she just loves to sing, so she was just so cute. My whole immediate family was there to support Grandma, with the exception of David and Sandy. Sandy was out of town, and I have no idea where David was. Jenny and Tom were there, and both of their kids. I and Kyle were there and of course we brought all five of our kids.

Grandma was confirmed and was given the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday 29th November 2009. Kyle and I weren’t planning on staying for church. We were hoping to leave town first thing in the morning because Ethan and Tyra had school first thing Monday morning and Kyle had work too. But Grandma personally asked us if we would stay for the confirmation, and she turned and asked Kyle if he would be in the circle. Of course we couldn’t turn her down. So in Sacrament meeting Grandma Shirley was encircled by worthy priesthood holders who laid their hands on her head while Dad confirmed her a member of the church, gave her the gift of the Holy Ghost, and then proceeded to give her a blessing. (Later she said that she hadn’t been expecting the blessing). Dad also was assigned to give a talk in Sacrament meeting which he tied the baptism into.

I’m SO excited, and happy for Grandma Shirley. She seemed so calm and happy, and just at peace with her decision. And I look forward to the day that I’ll get to go to the temple with her, so that she may receive her endowments and be sealed to my Grandpa Denzel, and to have my Dad and my uncle Frank sealed to them, and to have her sealed to her parents. What a happy day that will be, and I just can’t wait! 🙂