We’ve got a double stroller!

Well I made it through 4 kids with the single stroller I got before Ethan was born. I’ve never had a double stroller or even an umbrella stroller, we’ve never had the money to buy one, so I just made do without. A sister in our ward noticed the juggling act that I do to walk all 5 kids down to the school to drop Ethan off, and commented on it. I told her that I don’t have a double stroller, so I just use the single stroller that I have. I put Dinah in the stroller, Jeremy sits on the cup holders (I never walk away from the stroller while he is sitting up there, I always stand there and hold on to him) I wear Chloe in a baby front pack, Tyra walks or rides her bike (when she can find her helmet) and Ethan rides his bike. Well she was just in shock when she found out that I don’t have a double stroller, and she was excited as well. She has a double stroller that she doesn’t need anymore and everyone she had offered it to, says that they already have one, so she was contemplating donating it to DI. So when she found out that I don’t have a double stroller, she got excited and offered it to me, of course I accepted. So she brought it over today, and dusty though it may be I loaded the kids up in it: Dinah in the front seat, Chloe in the back seat and Jeremy on the cup holders 😉 and went to pick Ethan up from school.

Stake Relief Society Fireside

Every year our Stake President holds a fireside for the sisters in our stake. A couple of months before hand a box will show up in the Relief Society rooms to collect ANY questions that the sisters may have. The question can be about anything, personal, doctrinal or even non-church related. The Stake Relief Society Presidency then categorizes the questions and our Stake President researches and takes notes and at the fireside he goes through and reads and answers every question. I just LOVE and look forward to this fireside every year.

In years past a lot of the questions have been regarding intimacy, but not so much this year. This year there were questions regarding calling, and modesty, the word of wisdom, and other topics. Some of the things that stood out to me the most are

  • We should be going to the temple and participating in ALL of the ordinances offered there. We shouldn’t just go and think we are limited to just doing endowment sessions.
  • “I just can’t do it all”-I’m not expected to do it all.
  • “A mother is only as happy as her saddest child”
  • I must have a regular accounting with my husband, and counsel with him often. “Communication is everything” President Draper kept coming back to counseling with our husbands over and over again. We must sit and look our husbands in the eyes and counsel with them.
  • In the relationship with my husband there should be three intimacies. Spiritual intimacy, such as going to the temple together, studying scriptures together, praying together….Emotional intimacy (we need to like being together, we need to be able to communicate our deepest thoughts and feelings….) and physical intimacy. If the spiritual and emotional intimacies are strong, physical intimacy will take care of itself.

I have lots to work on over the course of the next year, and I look forward to next years fireside.

Our Garden

We’ve been making some changes to our garden throughout this year and I’m really liking it. For one, our garden boxes used to be spaced around the perimeter of our yard, placed in between our fruit trees. It was hard to get out and water since we didn’t have water going to each box and I pretty much had to go out and hand water with a hose. Then the weeds would get so big it would be impossible to get out and water so everything would die.

This spring right about planting time, Kyle decided he wanted to move all seven garden boxes to one location. I was frustrated that he had waited until planting time to make this suggestion, and that he didn’t have any ideas as to WHERE to move them, only that he wanted to move them. After thinking about the layout of our backyard, and considering which fruit trees had died over the winter and all that, I decided that we should line the garden boxes up along the east side of the backyard. The cedar fence on that side and the neighbors trees provide shade for the garden for the morning (so the plants aren’t in the sun from sun up till sun down, that’s just too much sun!), and the site is easily viewed from the back door. And all the fruit trees that had survived the winter are on the west side of they yard, so since the ones on the east side had died, we could rip them out and make room for the garden boxes.

After moving them and filling them with dirt, obviously I got the garden planted, but as I would sit here at meal times and look out the back door, I decided that moving the garden boxes here means that I have room for more garden boxes. 😀 So after thinking about it for a good long time I decided that I would add one more box for an even 8 boxes, and a bed for strawberries.

When my family was here visiting earlier this month, I bought the supplies to add the box, (after all if I get it made and filled with dirt this season, then next season all I’ll have to do is fertilize and plant) and the handy man in my dad jumped out and he helped put it together and get it placed for me. Then I ordered the strawberry bed, it arrived and Kyle and I just got it set up. I’m so excited and can’t wait for next spring so I can plant some berries in it. 🙂


Ethan’s first day in first grade


Here is my cute first grader all packed up and ready to walk down to the school. He was up SUPER early this morning, and got dressed before coming in to wake us up. And he was carrying his lunch box around the house with him all morning. He is so excited to be going to school again, and this time he gets to take a lunch and he gets to eat it at school.