The most recent project that I’ve been working on is to clean out the basement. We had 8 cats downstairs and they were just destroying things. So we decided to move them to the garage, and move the stuff from the garage downstairs (after cleaning the basement). So I’ve been getting rid of stuff and sweeping up fuzz, and vacuuming the fuzz that floated away from the broom then going over and mopping TWICE just to make sure I got everything. I did the bedrooms and the storage room, but I still have the hallway, laundry room and family room to do.
So now that the cats are out of the basement, Kyle wanted to move all of our food storage to the storage room. I’m so sad to be moving it down there. I only moved it from the basement (a couple of years ago) so that we could finish the basement. But we have been working on paying off debt, and this spring we were working on the backyard. And we have decided that a fence will be the next home improvement project that we are saving up for. So with all that and whatever medical bills are coming our way we aren’t going to be able to finish any more of the basement for awhile. And the food storage all over the house has really been adding to the chaos we’ve been feeling (the house is just covered in clutter, clutter everywhere). So to reduce the chaos, and to be able to see the clutter better (to make it easier to get rid of) I have been working on taking our food storage from all corners of the house to the storage room.

This isn’t even all of our food storage, I haven’t cleared out from under my bed yet, and there is more in the garage. And this picture doesn’t show everything that is in the storage room (it’s just the best picture I could get). We really need some racks for those cans that are on the floor in the middle of the room (someday when the basement is finished and we have money…..). The room is pretty full as it is, and we don’t have much water storage, so I’m kind of wondering where that’s going to go as we get more….. It’s nice to see the food storage all in one spot, but it’s depressing to think I need to move it at least two more times (once to move it out to finish the room, then we’ll need to move it back in). It’s been a big project.