FHE #20


Opening Song: “My Redeemer Lives” Hymn #135

Opening Prayer: Tyra

Lesson: We talked to the kids about what a testimony meeting at church is and then went on to talk about what a testimony is. We pointed out the 5 major parts of a testimony.

  1. Jesus is the Christ and our Saviour
  2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church
  3. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God
  4. The Book of Mormon is true
  5. President Thomas S Monson is a true prophet that receives revelation for the Church on the earth today.

Closing Song: “Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam” Children’s Songbook pg 60

Closing Prayer: Rebecca

FHE Treat: Brownies with vanilla ice cream and chocolate & caramel syrup

36 1/2 WEEKS!

Well it’s time to be finishing up the preparations for baby’s arrival. I’m 36 1/2 weeks and had my appointment today and I’m already dialated to 3 cm! So I need to finish packing for the hospital, and make up some bags of stuff for the kids in case they need to go to cousin’s house or Granny’s house while I’m in the hospital. I’ve got to finish clearing off my recliner so I have a place to nurse the baby during the night (that has been a 2 day project already and my room looks like a bomb exploded). We still need to go and have maternity pictures taken for the baby book…..the list goes on. But we registered at the hospital today so that’s taken care of. 😀 The lady asked me for my birthdate to verify who I was, and so I told her but Kyle (being silly as always) said “we don’t know the birthdate yet” 😛 At least she laughed. I get so embarrassed when Kyle tries to be silly and the other person doesn’t get it.

So the anxious awaiting begins…..STRESS!

FHE #19

Family Council

Opening Song: “A Happy Family” Children’s songbook pg 198

Opening Prayer: Jeremy

Scripture: Abraham 5:3 “And the Gods concluded upon the seventh time, because that on the seventh time they would rest from all their works which they (the Gods) counseled among themselves to form; and sanctified it. And thus were their decisions at the time that they counseled among themselves to form the heavens and the earth.”

Lesson: We as a family need to start having regular family councils. So we discussed with the kids that a family council is when we get together, and make plans (meals, vacations….), and talk about problems, and discuss schedules (making sure everything is on the calendar), and maybe a time to discuss the budget.

A Family council has three parts

Part 1: Mommy & Daddy

  • Talk about our commitments/schedule for the week
  • Discuss each member of the household
  • Discuss extended family commitments
  • Discuss anything else that comes up that we need to discuss between ourselves

Part 2: All family members

  • 1 by 1 each family member mentions their commitments for the week and all will be recorded on the calendar. Next week return and report.
  • Anyone may bring up a problem that they have observed, BUT they MUST also have a possible solution.
  • Everyone must say something nice about everyone else (and NO you can’t skip anybody).

Part 3: Father & Mother interviews (with each child individually)

  • Start with a compliment
  • Ask what is going on in their life. Problems? Challenges? Triumphs?
  • Share information with the child. The point of the interviews is to work on your relationship with each child as an individual, and to help each child learn to trust you with their problems. We want our kids to feel like they can talk to us, and this is a perfect setting to establish a relationship like that.

SO as a family we decided that Saturday morning we would have our first family council, and we’ll see how it goes. 😉

Closing Song: “Families can be Together Forever” Children’s songbook pg 188

Closing Prayer: Kyle

FHE Treat: Rootbeer floats

We have grass!

Well after living here for 4 1/2 years we finally have grass in the backyard. I am so excited! Laurel and Roine and their family came out on Thursday to help us level the ground and get some of the sod laid. The kids had fun playing with each other, and us adults worked in the backyard. After awhile I went in the house to rest and ended up making dinner and watching the kids the rest of the time they were over. But Kyle, Laurel and Roine got about 7 rows laid which was so awesome. The next morning when we woke up and opened the blinds I was so happy to see some grass. But when Ethan saw the grass, he was shocked that there was grass in the backyard. I guess he was so busy playing video games with the cousins that he was oblivious to the fact that the grass was being moved to the backyard and spread out. 😛

Friday, Kyle and I worked on laying some more sod, but it was slow going. Kyle’s ankles REALLY don’t like walking around a lot or on uneven ground (like the backyard and grass) and he was in pain from working so much in the backyard. But we would do a few wheelbarrow loads of sod, then go in the house for a popsicle and we would play a level of our video game then get back out there and get back to work. In the afternoon one of our neighbors showed up and offered to help, and that made things go a lot faster. We had sod laid all the way to the back of the area that we are putting grass before dinner time!

The kids just LOVE having grass. I know they shouldn’t be running around on it yet, but I let them go in their little wading pool on the new lawn yesterday since I figured we could just dump the water out onto the lawn when we were done working. That way we watered a portion of the lawn, and the kids got to rinse off which was badly needed after working in the dirt. 😉 We still have a bit of finishing touches to do with the sod before it’s finished, but it’s mostly laid which is so exciting.
