Kyle and I have been talking for awhile about hauling in some dirt to mix in with the nasty clay that we have here in Eagle Mountain. We can hardly get anything to grow out in the yard, because most plants don’t thrive in clay. It’s hard for the roots to get water, because the water puddles on the surface, and it’s hard for the roots to get oxygen because the clay is so packed, and so the roots will usually mold and get nasty. Not to mention that it’s not easy for the roots to spread out and grow in such compact soil. And our backyard insn’t level so when it rains a lot we end up with the entire back HALF of our backyard being a lake, so we also wanted more dirt so we can hopefully take care of that.
Well a month or two ago Kyle saw a truck in Lehi just sitting on the side of the road with a sign advertising topsoil and there was a phone number listed. He called to get some prices, and we have talked about it and decided we are going to haul in some dirt this year. So, finally this past week Kyle made the call and ordered our dirt, and decided that we should have the truckload of manure delivered first and it’s HERE!!!

They delivered it yesterday while I was out with the family making the runs to the doctors. I am SO excited! I can’t wait to get it spread out in the backyard (and out of the driveway), but alas, it decided to rain today. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE the rain, it makes the most beautiful sound. But I REALLY wanted to get that pile moving from the driveway to the backyard. Oh well, that will be our project for throughout the week if it’s not raining.
When the kids opened their blinds this morning and saw this huge pile in the driveway they wanted to know how it got there, and we told them it’s actually poop not dirt (we had to explain what manure is).
So Tyra asked Kyle: Daddy, Why were you riding a horse?
Kyle: I wasn’t riding a horse….
Tyra: Then how did the horse poop in our driveway???
So we explained that a truck brought the dirt, it was so funny though (like one horse could do all that overnight….). 😉