FHE #9

Studying Scriptures Together FHE Manual Lesson 4 (pg 17-19)

Opening Song: Hymn 13 “An Angel From on High”

Opening Prayer: Tyra

Scripture: 2 Nephi 4:15 “…my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children.”

Lesson:Show each of the standard works, naming each of them and describing a bit of what they contain:

  • Old Testament: The creation, Adam & Eve, Noah and the flood, David & Goliath….
  • New Testament: Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection….
  • Book of Mormon: Journey of Lehi’s family to the promised land, Christ visiting the inhabitants of the american continent, Moroni & the title of liberty…..
  • Doctrine & Covenants: Revelations received by latter-day prophets…..
  • Pearl of Great Price: Premortal existence, Articles of Faith….

Discuss as a family that reading the scriptures helps us learn to choose the right, and discuss how to begin studying the scriptures together.

  • Time-Before Daddy leaves for work in the morning
  • Place-Mommy & Daddy’s bedroom
  • Book-Old Testament Stories

(So we’ll see how this new habit of reading our scriptures as a family early in the morning goes……)

Closing Song: “Tell me the Stories of Jesus”

Closing Prayer: Jeremy

FHE Treat: Oreo cakesters

Everybody is sick

Well Ethan has had a fever for a few days, and Kyle had a fever and stayed home from work on Thursday. And now Tyra, Dinah and Jeremy all have it too. 🙁  (I, so far, am the only one that has not caught it.) We have no idea what it is, we took Ethan to the doctor earlier this week and they checked his ears, and they weren’t infected. They listened to his lungs and it didn’t sound like RSV or pneumonia. They did a strep culture since he has had a cough, but they came back negative. They felt his appendix, since he was saying that he hurts in that general area, but everything felt alright over there too. So the doctor said that since he can’t find something specific wrong that leads him to believe it’s something viral. (Great….I know) so we didn’t go to church today since all four kids aren’t feeling well. And I am glad there is no school tomorrow, so they have one more day to get over whatever this is.

FHE #8

Family Unity FHE Manual Lesson 21 (pg 92-94)

Opening Song: Hymn 318 “Love at Home”

Opening Prayer:Daddy (Kyle)

Scripture: Mosiah 18:21 “He commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.”

Lesson: Explain that Heavenly Father planned to for us to live together as families and each member of the family is important.

Activity: Ahead of time prepare and place the ingredients for a simple cake or other dessert with each ingredient in a separate container. Point out that each of these ingredients is good on their own, but in order to make the yummy dessert they have to be put together. Mix up the ingredients letting each person help prepare the dessert, and let it bake while finishing the lesson.

Activity: Make a paper chain with one link for each family member. Express love and a need for each family member as his link is added to the chain. (Small children might enjoy making their own chains rather than just a main chain for the family.) Then tell a story about something you did as a family, stressing that having everyone there made it more fun.

Story: A Day at the Park

The Whites had been planning their Saturday trip to the park all week long. But when Saturday morning finally came, four-year-old Lisa was sick. Jimmy and Brian said they still wanted to go to the park. Mother said she would stay home with Lisa, so father, Jimmy, and Brian packed their lunches and left for the park.

Jimmy and Brian jumped out of the car as soon as they stopped and ran to the swings. They rolled in the grass and played on the climbing bars and slide all morning. But when they sat down on the grass to eat lunch, Jimmy said, “I wish Lisa and mommy were here. It’s not as much fun without everybody.”

Brian said, “I miss them too. And I know how much Lisa likes to play at the park.”

Father suggested they go home and eat their lunch. When they got home, Lisa was excited to see them. She was feeling better, so they all ate lunch together in the backyard.

Brian said, “Next time we go to the park, we can all go together.”

And it will be a lot more fun,” added Jimmy. (Story is from the FHE manual pg 94).

Activity: Family unity demonstration-Attach a small sign that says, “Family Unity” to the top of a stick about 4-5 feet long, such as a broom or mop handle. Cut some strong string or cord into two-yard lengths, one for each family member. Explain that the sign and stick stand for creating unity in your home.

Have each family member tie his string a little above midway up the stick. Then lay the stick in the middle of the floor, and have the family sit around it in a circle. Have a person see if he can raise the stick to a standing position by pulling only his string. He will find that one string does not support it very well; it can fall over easily.

Ask another family member to join him and see if two strings can keep the stick standing. This may be possible, but the stick will still be unsteady.

Then let everyone pull their strings to hold the stick in an upright position. You may have to adjust the places where the strings are tied. Hold the pole upright.

  • What can you learn from this exercise?

Now have one person pull the stick toward him as hard as he can, while the others pull normally.

  • What does this show about family unity?

Closing Song: Hymn 292 “O My Father”

Closing Prayer:Tyra

FHE Treat: Brownies we made during the lesson 😀

FHE #7

For family home evening this week, we went to the Draper Temple open house. The kids were so excited that they would get to go INSIDE the temple and see what it’s like. We met Kyle in town and drove from there to the church where we were to park. First they showed a video about temples in general, and it talked about some of the history of the Draper, Utah area. Kyle ended up missing the first part of the video because as we were sitting there waiting for it to start, Tyra, Jeremy and Ethan all decided they needed to go potty. When the video was over we went out and got on a bus, to be taken up to the temple.

The kids got really excited to be on the bus. They have never been on a bus before. I sat next to Tyra with Dinah on my lap, and Kyle had Jeremy on his lap and sat next to Ethan. Tyra’s eyes got SO big as the bus started to move, and Dinah’s eyes got big too and she just looked so concerned like ‘what is going on?’ She didn’t fuss or anything but she seemed to get closer and closer to me as the ride went on.

The bus dropped us off in the temple’s parking lot and from there we had to walk through a long tent to get to the temple doors. Thankfully the tent was heated because it’s still cold here in Utah, even though it has been warmer, it’s still cold. The kids were all really excited about getting to go through this really long tent too. (Just so many new and exciting experiences today).

We got to the end of the tent, and entered the temple and it was just so awesome. The kids were just so excited to be there and see how pretty it was inside. They had questions about everything they saw. It was just so wonderful to be there in the temple as a family, teaching our kids about why we come and what we do there. 🙂 They got to see the font where we do baptisms for the dead, and the endowment rooms, and the celestial room, and the sealing rooms, where families are bound together for eternity. They got to see the mirrors on each side of the sealing room and see how when you look into them, you see yourself and your family going on forever and ever. Such a wonderful opportunity to take them and teach them about the temple. This was the first temple open house I had been to too. Kyle had been to a couple, but we were living in Utah when the Newport Beach Temple had it’s open house, and I wasn’t able to (even though I wanted to) make a trip to California to see it.

After we went through the temple we left through the front doors and went through another long tent to another chapel, where they had some cookies, and from there we had to load the bus again to get back to the church where we had parked our car. And to finish the evening off, we went to Ihop for dinner. 🙂

New shoes

I took Tyra today to get her some new church shoes. The ones she has are too small, and have been too small for awhile. So we went to the shoe store and picked out a cute pair of black, and a cute pair of white shoes. We got them a bit big so they would last a good long time too. 😉 Tyra is so excited, she loves nice and pretty things.