Stomach Bug :(

Well Sunday night just as we were headed to the living room to have family home evening, Jeremy just randomly threw up. So we decided to have family home evening on Wednesday night when Kyle is home, and just Jeremy and the other kiddos in bed.

Well Jeremy was throwing up all night long, and Tyra woke up and came to our room to announce that she had thrown up next to her bed. So Tyra was throwing up all night long too. 🙁 So Kyle stayed home Monday to help out, which was really good because I was feeling lousy too (I just didn’t throw up).

Jeremy threw up last around 6 AM Monday morning, and Tyra couldn’t keep even water down at all. THEN Dinah decided, just as Kyle and I were leaving for my ultrasound appointment that she was going to throw up. So all three of them were sick. Dinah didn’t throw up again after that but Tyra ended up throwing up all through the night again. 🙁

So the only people in the house that didn’t seem to be affected by the bug were Ethan and Kyle, so let’s just hope they don’t end up sick in the next week or so.

20 Week Ultrasound

Kyle and I went to the hospital today to have the routine 20 week ultrasound of the baby. Everything looks well, and the baby is just the right size for this stage of the pregnancy (which you can’t tell by looking at my belly). The baby was awake and quite wiggley during the ultrasound. The ultrasound technician kept saying ‘come on baby hold still long enough for me to measure your head’ and making other similar comments. 😛 We got 4 pictures of the ultrasound and only one of them is any good (the other three, he would try to take a picture and the baby would move or just wouldn’t get in a good position to begin with).

Baby number 5

Ethan’s 1st School Project

Well Ethan has been assigned his first school project. He was to make a Velociraptor dinosaur model. At first we made up some salt dough for him to use, but the recipe that was included on the instructions seemed too flimsy, and would NOT produce a standing dinosaur. So we looked up a recipe for salt dough online and it called for an extra cup of salt. So we tried that out and Ethan made up a dinosaur. He used some popsicle sticks as a ‘skeleton’ for the arms and legs so they wouldn’t break as easily.

We left the dino on the kitchen table to dry (didn’t think about making up on a cookie sheet or something like that till after he made it). But it seemed to crumble more than it dried. As it dried it just seemed to be falling apart. Ethan was getting really frustrated during the making of the dinosaur, and then this whole falling apart business…..Ethan was almost in tears saying ‘a lego dinosaur would have been easier’. So Kyle went and bought some legos and came home from work early so Ethan could make a lego dinosaur:


Kyle made the yellow one as an example for Ethan, and Ethan made the rainbow dinosaur. The little boy sitting on the dinosaur is supposed to be Ethan, he wanted to ride his Velociraptor.

FHE #5

Visiting Family 🙂

For family home evening tonight we went to dinner at Granny’s house. I made a couple of cheesecakes for dessert and Granny had made meatloaf for dinner. Laurel & Roine and their family were all sick and they didn’t come, so after dinner the kids ran around for a bit then we took some cheesecake and meatloaf over to them.

Wendy moved out

Well Wendy moved out today. I don’t know why, she hasn’t really been telling me anything. I found out through Kyle a little more than week or so ago that the Bishop of the singles ward she attends told her to move out. And I my mom told me a few days later that Wendy says she has a bunch of girl friends she wants to move in with. That’s about all I know. Wendy keeps saying she ‘just feels like this is the right thing to do’. But I thought she was trying to minimize her expenses so she could pay off her debt, save up enough money to have her teeth taken care of (our whole family has horrible teeth, stinky genetics), and save up money for going on a mission (which she will be old enough to go on in just about 7 months). So it seems odd to me for her to ‘feel it’s right’ to move out which is just adding a whole bunch of expenses to her budget. Not to mention that she no longer has access to a car, because she was driving my old car around. I just don’t know what’s going on with her. She had a guy friend come over yesterday to help her move the ‘heavy stuff’, but she left her table and her book case, and a bunch of other stuff in my basement. Not to mention her cat! She wasn’t even responsible enough to find an apartment that allows pets so she could take HER cat with her. (I don’t know why my family seems to think I run a cat motel.) Altogether a very confusing and frustrating situation, considering Wendy isn’t telling us anything (I don’t even know where she moved TO). She didn’t even tell the kids that she was moving out. They started asking her why her friend was helping her take her stuff out of the house, and that’s when she finally told them that she is moving. Of course then they started asking why, and I didn’t have an answer for them. I don’t know why she is moving. She hasn’t said that, just that she is.