The kids are so excited that it is Christmas eve. Actually yesterday morning they woke up so excited that it was almost Christmas eve and they were just so wired and it wasn’t even 7 AM! It has been a good day. Kyle came home from work early and we went around to pass out jam to some of our neighbors and friends. The kids had fun deciding who they wanted to give jam to. We came home and had chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner at Ethan’s request. After dinner everyone got to open one present. The kids each got some new pajamas to wear to bed. Then we picked our stockings and set them on the table (we don’t have a fireplace 🙁 ) and we went to bed. 🙂
Author: Rebecca
Today’s adventure
I had ordered Kyle’s Christmas present online and to save money on shipping and to make sure it got here before Christmas I arranged to pick it up at the store. So I got the kids ready to go out, and it was snowing before we finished getting ready. I decided to just go out and get it anyway (who knows what the roads will be like tomorrow….) and I got the kids loaded up and Wendy hopped in the car to come with us. I had no problems picking up Kyle’s present and then I took the kids so they could pick a present for Daddy. We had a good time in town and even met up with Kyle for lunch at the mall, since he needed to finish shopping for my sister, Patsy (the name that was picked out of the bowl for Kyle to shop for). Then Wendy the kids and I came back home. The roads were really bad when we left this morning, and weren’t quite so bad when I came back. But when we got to the house, the driveway had disappeared!!!! I tried pulling into the driveway and it did NOT work. The front tires got in the driveway, but I couldn’t get the back tires up the curb (I hate our curb by the way, it doesn’t dip down at the driveway at all so it is literally like driving up the curb). So I tried to back up a bit to straighten out and try pulling in again. I couldn’t back up either 🙁 I got out and somehow managed to get to the porch without getting snow in my shoes and I got the snow shovel to try to shovel the driveway clear, so I could pull in. There was almost 8 inches or so that had fallen since I had left! I freed the tires in the front and back and cleared a path so the kids could get to the house without being up to their knees in snow, and I got back in the car to pull forward again. NO luck. A neighbor from across the street came over with her snow shovel offering to help me get in the driveway. But even with her nice snow shovel and our flimsy plastic one, the van still would not pull into the driveway. So she ran home and grabbed some cardboard and towels to help the tires get some traction, and THAT didn’t work either. So she ran home again and grabbed one of those skinny shovels and started chiseling away at the ice and finally the van had enough traction to get in the driveway. What an adventure!
Ethan has strep throat
Ethan was complaining yesterday of a sore throat. He would whine every time he had to swallow and would just moan because it hurt. But he would still yell and make all kinds of noise, so I didn’t think much of it. But today he asked me to look in his throat and it was quite swollen and then he actually asked to go see the doctor, and that is just not normal for that boy. So I called up the doctor after-hours and made an appointment to take him in. Kyle came with us and sat in the room with Ethan, while I waited in the waiting room with the others. The nurse took a swab to the back of Ethan’s throat 🙁 and did a culture. The culture was positive, he has strep throat. 🙁 What a way to start out the winter break (at least he won’t miss any school). The doctor gave him a presciption and said that he would be contagious for the next 24 hours. (YAY he won’t still be contagious by Christmas, so the family can still come over.)
Jeremy’s potty training
Jeremy woke up dry this morning!!!! I don’t expect him to keep it up so soon in his training, but I’m so excited, I thought I’d share. 😀
Jeremy is wearing undies!!!!
Jeremy decided this morning that he wanted to wear underwear, rather than his diaper. I don’t know why. All I know is that I went in his room this morning (to help him pick clothes so I could help him dress to take Ethan to school) and Jeremy was on his bed with his Snoopy, and Snoopy was wearing undies. So Jeremy said that he wanted to wear undies too. He has done a pretty good job of staying accident free today too. He’s growing to be such a big boy. 🙂