Dinah cut her sixth tooth today. We were sitting in church when I noticed it popping through. (So THAT’S why she’s been so grumpy! 😉 )
Author: Rebecca
Ice Skating
Kyle’s Blue Host work Christmas party was tonight and we went ice skating. Jeremy didn’t want to eat any pizza at all he just wanted to get on the ice. Ethan and Tyra were so excited to just be there. Once actually getting skates on the kids feet, Tyra was able to walk around quite well on her skates (off the ice). Jeremy kept falling every few steps (it’s not very easy to walk on that blade). Kyle wanted to finish his dinner before joining me and the kids on the ice, so he sat with Dinah while I took 3 kids on the ice, by myself!!!! :O I basically held Jeremy and told the Ethan and Tyra to hold onto the wall. Jeremy fell so many times I lost count, and I was getting tired from bending over and picking him up. Ethan took a few steps on the ice and wanted to get off, so he got of the ice and went back to Kyle. Well Jeremy and I weren’t even half way around the rink before Jeremy was done and just wanted off. I got him all the way aroung the rink once, and turned him over to Kyle. Tyra also got off the rink at the other door and went back to Kyle as well. Ethan decided that since he saw Kyle getting into skates that he wanted to try again. So he got back on the ice, and I was with Tyra on the ice again, when I saw Kyle get on the ice. He stood there for a minute or so, then decided that his ankles hurt too much, and he got off the ice, and went to put his shoes back on. So I went around the rink once with Jeremy, once with Ethan (since when Kyle got off the ice, Ethan had nobody to take him around but me) and I went around once with Tyra. Then the party was over (it took a LONG time to get those little ones around the rink). I would have liked to go around the rink once by myself, but I learned in going around with the kids that I still know how to skate without falling 😀 . So I’m good and we had lots of fun. Ethan wants to go skating again. Tyra really liked skating and Jeremy says ‘dat scary’.
(There are more pictures of our fun on the ice, in the photo gallery.)
Baby’s Heart Beat
I went to my 10 week prenatal visit today, and met a new midwife at the clinic. Her name is Jessica and I think I like her. I really enjoy seeing the midwives at Mt Timpanogos Women’s Health Care. They really care and take the time to ask if you have questions, and answer any questions you have. So today I went in and got to hear the baby’s heart beat for the first time. So exciting. I think this is the part of the pregnancy when the concept of being pregnant starts to become real. Up until this point I have felt like I was just living in this dream where the pregancy is not really real. It’s exciting, but there is no real evidence of being pregnant yet, other than feeling a bit off (but that can happen for any number of reasons). Then you hear the heart beat and realize “HEY! There really IS something living inside me!” It’s great. 🙂
Last night at enrichment night as we were cleaning up I was given the balloons, that had been used as decorations, for my kids. I gave each of the kids a balloon when we got home. This morning though Dinah didn’t have her balloon she had the whole bunch of the rest of the balloons. 🙂 She was walking all over the house with them and was just so cute I had to take a picture.
I love how she is peaking out from behind the balloon to look at me. So cute. The balloons were actually getting quite staticy and sticking to her cute, now fuzzy hair. 😛
Christmas on Temple Square
We went tonight to see the Christmas lights and displays at Temple Square in Salt Lake. It was awesome. The weather was nice (about 50 degrees), not bitterly cold like it was last year when we went. The kids enjoyed seeing the Temple and all the lights. The only one that may have not completely enjoyed herself was Dinah, since she was in the stroller a lot of the time. I did insist on taking her out to take pictures of her though. 😉 It was a lovely night, we went early in the season instead of risking going later when it’s colder and when we may have not been able to work something out due to Kyle’s work schedule.