Tyra cut her hair :(

Well that hair that used to be long enough to put in pigtails and that Grandma actually braided, when we were in California, Tyra cut off today. It’s really not as bad as it could be. But IF it’s long enough to put hairbows in they won’t stay long, or the sprigs of hair will pop out 🙁 . I am really sad. I was enjoying her hair being long enough to DO stuff with. If Ethan were a girl there would be plenty of hair on that kid’s head to braid and put up and make cute, but he is a boy with hair that grows like weeds. Tyra’s hair has always been thin and just takes forever to grow. So at least she didn’t cut it down to the scalp, she just cut maybe 3 inches off in the front. So she has funny looking bangs.

Christmas Lights

We finally got the Christmas lights up on the house. You may think we are a bit early but we have had years where they don’t get up at all because we waited too long and there was snow on the roof. So we always start after Halloween by getting out the lights and testing them and switching out bad lights for good ones then waiting for a warm enough weekend so that Kyle can get up on the roof when it’s not frosted or snowy 😉 So they are up and the kids are happy and they look nice, although the picture doesn’t do a good job of showing it. Ethan actually climbed up on the roof to ‘help’ Kyle. I think he just followed him around watching what he was doing. Then he couldn’t get down because he was too short to sit on the roof and have his feet reach the ladder. Kyle ended up having to get off first then help Ethan get off the roof and onto the ladder.CIMG1488

(The lights are actually red and green 🙂 )

Car Accident

Wendy was rear-ended yesterday. She was leaving our neighborhood on her way to work, when it happened. She was stopped at the stop sign getting ready to turn out onto the main road leaving our neighborhood when the lady hit her. The other lady had a ciggarette in one hand and her drink fell as she went around the roundabout so with her other hand she went to catch it, thus she was not paying attention and ran into Wendy. Wendy is fine, she was rather shook up that she had been involved in an accident. The car isn’t as damaged as it could be. The back bumper is just dinged enough that we can’t get the trunk open. So I just hope Wendy doesn’t blow a tire before we can get it fixed 😉