Chloe had to go in for a crown, so Kyle made arrangements to take her in yesterday. She ended up having three crowns, a tooth pulled and a spacer put in. Her face is still swollen this morning. 🙁
Author: Rebecca
Easter & General Conference
This has been on crazy Easter weekend! Boiled eggs to color, two egg hunts, general conference….and the Easter Bunny made a visit during the night and more general conference today! Of course the kids were awake and ready to discover what the Easter Bunny left, long before conference started, so we did that first. Adam found a couple of eggs on his way out to the living room, but I think most of the them checked out their baskets before hunting for eggs.
Jeremy was excited to bring his little buddy out.
Once they had a good idea of what was in their baskets they wanted to know what they would find in the eggs, and so the egg hunting began.
With all of the egg hunts this weekend and the constant supply of candy, I really didn’t need to buy any jelly beans for conference bingo. The bags that I bought for that purpose are all still in the storage room!
I know that you can’t see that we are watching conference in this picture, but that is what we are doing I just couldn’t back up any farther. 🙂
I did have to take the grass out of everyone’s baskets today (usually it stays out for a little bit), but with Lydia playing with it like this it had to go away so we would have it for next year.
Annual Girl Scout Egg Hunt
We also had our troop’s annual egg hunt in between conference sessions today.
We usually have it earlier (like right after the neighborhood hunt) and have donuts for everyone. But we couldn’t do that this year, and still be able to watch conference, so we pushed it to lunchtime and had a 10 foot sandwich and chips for lunch. 🙂
Seth didn’t hunt for eggs this year, but I’m sure he’ll be out there with all the big kids next year.
After the eggs were all found and everyone had eaten, we finished our activity by passing out awards.
Third Annual Neighborhood Egg Hunt
We had a third annual neighborhood egg hunt this morning. This hunt has become quite a favorite in the neighborhood. One of our neighbors came up with the idea and started it three years ago, then they moved. Last year I stepped up and kept it going. This year though, I wasn’t sure I could do it on top of everything else I’ve got going on, so I didn’t say anything. One of our other neighbors stood up to make it happen and I was so grateful for that. But then they had to make sudden plans to leave to go visit some out of state family, and asked for someone to take over. So we stepped up and once again made it happen. 🙂
Every neighbor wanting to participate is to bring over a dozen pre-filled plastic eggs for each of their children that will be hunting. I keep tally of how many children and their ages, and we split it so that we have older children on one side (where the eggs are more hidden) and the little ones on the other side (where eggs are thrown out on lawns in plain sight). I am grateful for the neighbors that brought over more eggs than the dozen per kid. Every year we seem to end up with a shortage of eggs, where we have a few kids left walking up and down the street looking for more because they didn’t get their full dozen. This year, after Kyle and I counted and split up the eggs for each side of the street, we held some eggs back, just in case this happened again.
Adam tried to stop and open every egg as soon as he found it. Kyle had to keep reminding him to just keep looking. Seems like the whole neighborhood had a good time again, and the eggs that we kept back “just in case” did come in handy. 😉
Coloring Eggs
Since the rest of the weekend is going to be crazy, we decided that we needed to color the eggs tonight, or it just wasn’t going to happen. So I made sure that I had plenty of eggs boiled up ahead of time, and after dinner we got to work.
Most of the older kids took their time about decorating the eggs. Trying to draw just the perfect design with the clear crayon, or waiting extra long before pulling the egg out of the dye so it would be nice and dark, or holding it partway in one dye then flipping it over to dye the other side in another color….not Adam though….he kept dropping eggs in the cup of dye in front of him, and as soon as he saw that the color took he was done with that egg and ready for the next one. He was blowing through the eggs really fast! We had to tell the others that they better speed things up if they didn’t want Adam to dye most of the eggs orange! 😛
Ya, I snapped that picture then we stopped him from trying to drink it. That would have been one nasty surprise if he had actually got some in his mouth.
The first casualty of the evening was an egg that Tyra was working on. It jumped out of her hand, or rolled off the table (we’re not clear which) and hit the ground. As you can see she was distraught over it.