I walked into the family room today and found this:
I know the lighting isn’t perfect, but I still just love this picture of a big brother reading a story to his little brother. 🙂
A blog about Kyle and Rebecca's family
Our Girl Scout troop had our last cookie booth scheduled for this morning, but we had so many cookies left to sell, that I had to add one more this afternoon. This excited Dinah because she wanted to go sell more cookies, but I had to talk Tyra and Chloe into going as well so that we would have enough girls there. We met one of my co-leaders and her daughter at this last booth as well. Being on a Saturday, this booth was a 3 hour one and as we discovered our first year, 3 hours is really too long for daisies to be at a booth. Chloe, being a first year daisy and not having had a nap before coming got really tired, mid-way through our booth and she just couldn’t focus on selling cookies anymore.
After a while, she just gave up altogether.
Seth rolled over for the first time today!
I’m so glad that I was in the room and saw him do it, so I could get a picture of him before he started crying. Because as is typical when babies first start rolling over, they are fine with it, until they realize they can’t get back over onto their back and then they start crying.