Keep the Sabbath Day Holy Lesson 29
Opening Song: “Saturday” Children’s Songbook pg 196
Opening Prayer: Tyra
Scripture: Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy”
Lesson: Bear your testimony of the blessings that come from keeping the Sabbath day holy. Relate the following incident or a personal experience like it.
“John and Mary had been married 14 years and still didn’t have a home of their own. They had just gone through a particularly difficult business year, and had been turned down for a modest house. John was brokenhearted. Then he happened to read in D&C 59 where the Lord promises to all those who keep the Sabbath day holy: ‘The fulness of the earth is yours…whether for food or for raiment or for houses, or for barns.” He resolved to put this scripture to the test, and asked the Lord to help him and his family keep the Sabbath day holy and to help them buy their new home. Thirteen months later they were led by inspiration to visit their old neighborhood, where they saw a “For Sale” sign on one of the houses. They called the owner, who knew then, and he offered to let them move into the home, put it on a contract, and pay the down payment when their business improved. They knew the Lord meant what he said when he promised them ‘the fulness of the earth’ for keeping the Sabbath day holy.”
So I talked with the kids about some of the ways we can keep the Sabbath day holy
- Wear our ‘Sunday clothes’ all day.
- Read scriptures
- Pray
- Watch special ‘Sunday approved’ movies and not just any movie
- Don’t play video games or anything that would keep our mind from the Savior
- Listen to ‘Sunday music’ and not just whatever happens to be on the radio (or in itunes)
- Take naps to rest our bodies for the coming week
- Keep housework to a minimum
Activity: Call Daddy
Closing Song: “Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning” Hymn #190
Closing Prayer: Jeremy
FHE Treat: “Cold Turkeys”: For each person you will need one scoop of vanilla ice cream, a cherry, a toothpick, a big chocolate chip cookie and chocolate syrup. Put a school of ice cream on a plate; using the toothpick, attach the cherry to the ice cream as a head. Stand a cookie against the ice cream as a tail. Dribble chocolate syrup over the ice cream.
I didn’t have vanilla ice cream or chocolate chip cookies, so we ended up using cookies and cream ice cream and Reese’s peanut butter cups 😀