This year since Jenny and her family were in town, Thanksgiving was at our house. 🙂 I spent the morning making the last of 4 pies (made the other 3 last night), and making up the stuffing to stuff the 22 lb turkey and get it in the oven. Once the turkey was in the oven Kyle and I made up the veggie platter (carrot sticks, celery sticks, radishes, snap peas, red olives, mini dill pickles and ranch dip) and the other munchy platter (beef sausage log chunks, cheese cubes, wheat thin and triscut crackers, and a cheese ball). We also had cranberry pumpkin bread ready for an appetizer. Then I got to relax until about 2 in the afternoon, at which time I had to get up and start the bread machine on making rolls. Kyle made the mashed potatoes and the turkey was ready WAY earlier than anticipated. According to my cookbook, since the turkey was 22 lbs, and stuffed it was probably 23 lbs which meant that the turkey was supposed to be done some time between 4 and 4:30. It was WAY done at 3! I put the meat thermometer into the breast and the temperature shot right up to 180 degrees (which according to the chart on the thermometer sleeve, that is DONE for poultry).

Dad sent up See’s chocolate turkeys and the kids got to eat those after the turkey was in the oven and the excitement of getting dinner under way, was over.

Karen, Laurel & her family came over about 4:00, so I carved the turkey and we got everything set up to eat. The menu consisted of the turkey, apple rice stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes. Karen made a salad, and brought a couple of cans of cranberry sauce and olives. Laurel brought mashed yams, corn bread muffins, and broccoli. We also had my home canned plums, spiced peaches, and spiced apple rings and we had rolls so we could also have some of my home canned jams. 🙂 For drink we had a sherbet mixed with lemon lime soda, punch which was very yummy. The first batch we used pineapple sherbet, and the second batch we used mango sherbet. Debby and Jeff came over late since she had to work today and they just came out after she got off work. There was still plenty of food left though so they got to have their fill.
After dinner was over, we just hung out for a bit. And we had a bit of an incident. Jenny was playing with Dinah. Jenny had tucked one of Dinah’s kitty stuffed animals in her shirt and was crawling around on the floor pretending to look for it. Dinah knew where it was and was trying to get in front of her to pull it out of her shirt. At some point Dinah tripped over something and fell, but her face hit the bucket that we use to store the kids train toys. I have no idea what the bucket was doing in the living room instead of being in the boys room where it belongs, but when her face hit the bucket it snapped the rim off and that created a sharp edge which left Dinah with a bit of a scraped cheek and a long cut over her eye. 🙁

I got up to clean up the kitchen a bit and put away most of the leftover food. Then it was time to get out the pies. I made a blackberry pie, a peach pie, an eggnog pie, and a pumpkin streusel pie, and Laurel brought a sweet potato pie.
After pie we hung out a bit more. Laurel told some jokes. Then we called it a night. All in all it was a good thanksgiving, and I’m very grateful that I was on top of things enough that I wasn’t on my feet ALL day, that was very nice. I’m glad that everyone could come and that everyone seemed to enjoy the food.