Dinah turns 4

Dinah was SO excited for her 4th birthday this year. She was sick yesterday, and I’m so glad it was yesterday and not today. That would just be so lousy to be sick ON your birthday. I feel like I wasn’t quite on top of things like I should have been. I went to make her cake and found that I didn’t have enough cocoa powder! I borrowed some from a neighbor so I could finish the cake, then I realized that I didn’t have any cream cheese to make frosting with. So I still had to wait for Kyle to pick some up on his way home from work.

As soon as Kyle came home from work we needed to leave in order to get to Ethan’s pack meeting on time. At the meeting she was telling EVERYONE that it was her birthday, then they would look at us and ask if today was actually her birthday. That was pretty funny. When we came home we sang to her and let her have her own personal cake (pre-frosting because I still hadn’t had time to make it yet) then she got to open her presents.


Thank you Grandpa Tom and Grandma Kathy for the cute outfit. She really likes it:


Dinah Starts Preschool

Just like Jeremy was in a little neighborhood preschool group last year, Dinah is in one this year. She is young, but she is actually one of the older kids in her group. It’s a large group again this year too, so I only have to teach them once every 9 weeks or so. She has been really excited about being in preschool ever since I mentioned the group to her a few weeks ago. She was super excited when I took her to the store to pick out a backpack and pencil case a couple weeks ago. Today was their first day and she was so thrilled!

Also I’ve started babysitting a few kids three days a week. Our neighbor got a second job and so I’m watching her kids. Her oldest is Ethan’s age and is actually in the same class as he is. Her second is Tyra’s age, then her third is Dinah’s age and her youngest is about Chloe’s age, all girls. So the older kids are in school during the day. Jeremy is in kindergarten during the mornings. Then on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Dinah and the little girl that is her age both go to the preschool group and I’ve only got my two littlest girls and the neighbor’s youngest girl. Which is great because I was wondering what Chloe was going to be getting into while Dinah and everyone else were gone and Lydia is not big enough to play with yet. So now she will have a friend to play with and won’t be totally alone those mornings. So yes, I think I’m crazy for actually offering to babysit these kids, but I think it will be a good thing.


The Dinah Monster

Dinah has this knack for getting into stuff that doesn’t belong to her. And this time she got into Tiffany’s stuff. Actually she’s not the only one. Chloe has been after Tiffany’s lotion, and she ate all of Tiffany’s gum too. But Dinah got into her makeup. This is actually the second time today. The first time, Tiffany thought she would be nice and put a little eye shadow and a little blush on each of the girls so they could feel pretty. But this time it was just bad:


She looks like she’s been in a fight doesn’t she? Actually, she was having a lot of fun until I put her in the high chair and started taking pictures of her. She wasn’t so happy about the high chair, but she was REALLY unhappy when I pulled out the camera! I told her that she had to sit in the high chair now so she would stay out of trouble while I finished making dinner, and I was taking pictures so we could wipe off her face but Daddy could still see what she had done.

I think that’s mascara all over her face, but it might have been eye liner since she got into that too. Also, you can’t see it but she has blush all over her chest, and I took off her shirt because she got the black eye liner or mascara on that too. AND she got it on the door to the garage in the entry way. Such an awful mess. It came off of her body really easy with a baby wipe, but it’s not coming out of the shirt so well. This episode has made me really grateful for the fact that I do NOT wear make up (aside from nail polish) and therefore it’s not in my house (otherwise things like this could be happening all the time).

Where did the curls go?

Tiffany is in town and since she recently graduated from hair school and got her cosmetology license she is into all things hair. She was wondering what Dinah would look like without the curls and so she whipped out her hair straightener and ironed Dinah’s hair flat!



Dinah really enjoyed my taking pictures of her so she started to goof off, and she shook her head back and forth so fast her hair was flying! I got a few awesome pictures, but this one is my favorite:
