Dental Work Galore

Today we spent a couple of hours at the dentist. Every kid needed work of some kind. Chloe, Dinah and Tyra all had cavities. Jeremy needed sealants. And Ethan needed two teeth pulled. Apparently these are baby teeth that the dentist has been waiting for them to fall out on their own since at least our last visit six months ago, and they just aren’t coming out on their own. The adult tooth, is actually coming in and pushing on the baby teeth and they are falling out one piece at a time instead of in one whole piece. I asked the dentist to somehow label the teeth and mark them so the tooth fairy knows which is which, and he put them in these little boxes for us:


Yes tooth “J” is in three pieces. This next picture is rather blurry, but that upper tooth surrounded by the red tissue, is the adult tooth that was crumbling the baby teeth. It’s totally already quite a ways out, and those baby teeth were just refusing to budge!


Jeremy’s First Pack Meeting

Grandma is still here visiting and got to come with us, to Jeremy’s first pack meeting. We finished the bobcat requirements with him a few days ago, and so they gave that to him tonight.


Ethan also received a few awards. They gave him his computers belt loop, and his communicator, geologist and crafstman activity badges. Two more activity badges to go and he will have all twenty! However, I have to say that I am really upset that they didn’t give him his Arrow of Light tonight. They had it there, but I guess the cub master didn’t plan a nice ceremony for presenting it to him. I just thought it would have been neat to have Ethan receive the highest award in cub scouting on the same night as Jeremy was receiving the very first award in cub scouting, and we had Grandma with us! She lives in California and so she is not usually around to be here for stuff like that. So I’m a bit disappointed about the lack of preparation.


The rest of the pack meeting was a stone soup dinner, and there were some stockings for the kids to help decorate to give to some of the inactive scouts. However, I don’t think parents actually watched their children and some of the stockings ended up COVERED in glue and glitter. At the end of the night, we got to take home our pot which still had lots of broth in it. So after putting the kids to bed, I added some more vegetables and beans and stuff, and separated the soup into three meals to freeze for later. 🙂

Jeremy’s Baptism

We were late to the baptism this morning (we seem to always be late). Kyle is not feeling well at all, and has a fever. We asked Jeremy if Grandpa could baptize him, but he insisted on daddy doing it. Also the person that normally does the program wasn’t around to make a program for the baptism today, so Kyle was finishing that up and getting it printed, that is the bulk of what made us late this morning. Liesl had her camera and took pictures for us, and I’m so grateful for that because our camera started having issues back when we had our Locks of Love drive and got really bad during Thanksgiving dinner.


Jeremy was baptized with another boy from our ward named Nathan. Nathan is actually the younger brother of one of Ethan’s friends, so that is kind of cool.

Here is a picture of all the family that came to support Jeremy today:


Someone thought it would be funny to put the kids up on a shelf while we were taking some other pictures.


Then we headed back to the house for some food! Lydia couldn’t wait to get her hands on some cheese balls:


Then she couldn’t wait to get the cheese off her hands:


Jeremy worked on his new bracelet loom while we got the food ready:



We had sandwiches and a veggie tray and some fruit that we bought pre-cut, and the cheese balls and we bought cans of soda and juice as a way to come up with some pop tabs for a project that Tyra’s girl scout troop is working on.

When everyone was done eating food, we got out the cake.


We sang to Jeremy and had him blow out his candle.


Everyone seemed to enjoy the cake, and the raspberry swirl ice cream we served with it. It has been a super crazy and busy day, but all turned out well in the end.