Jeremy Lost His First Tooth!

What a way to finish our 4th of July celebrations! Jeremy was VERY slow about eating his dinner, and really didn’t eat much at all because he had a wiggly tooth. I think he was afraid of ending up having it fall out in his food and swallowing it or something. But he wouldn’t just yank it out so he could eat either. Finally as we were finishing up with the eating of our home made ice cream and getting ready for bed, he let Kyle yank it!


And then he went back to the table and heartily ate his dinner, that he had left sitting there. 🙂

The Last Day of School 2012

Here we are, and it’s the last day of school. Jeremy has finished kindergarten. Here he is with his teacher, Mrs. Pinder:


Tyra has finished second grade. Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Gustafson:


And Ethan has finished the third grade. Here he is with his teacher, Mrs. Quist:


So far, none of our kids have had the same teacher for any grade. I know that eventually that pattern will have to break because we have a lot of kids, but so far we have had to get to know all new teachers every year. Next year Jeremy will go to school all day like the other two. He is really looking forward to needing a lunchbox. 🙂

I must say though, that I am very glad that the school year is over. I’ve been finding it very hard to be motivated to get out of bed early enough to wake up all the kids and get them ready first thing in the morning. And I have really been disliking the homework fight that happens every day after school. I am really ready for this break. 🙂 Also, the end of the school year, means the end of babysitting extra kids, for me. I think most people I talk to, think I’m totally crazy to be looking forward to the summer vacation with all of my many kids being home all the time. But really they are all MY kids, and I won’t need to deal with someone else’s kids at all anymore. Looking forward to a happy summer, filled with spending time with my kids and getting ready to welcome number 7 to our family!

Jeremy’s Kindergarten Graduation

Jeremy had his kindergarten graduation today. Kyle worked from home this morning so that he could come too. The kindergarten class wore the same green caps and gowns that Tyra’s class wore last year, and they sang a couple of songs for the parents before they were presented with their certificates. Kyle video taped the ceremony while I took pictures and tried to keep our kids (and the kids that I babysit) in their seats. Unfortunately when we got home and I tried to copy the pictures over to my computer, something went wrong and my computer isn’t able to recognize that there are any pictures on the SD card. That REALLY makes me sad, because I got some really good pictures, and now I can’t access them. So Kyle is working on trying to fix that (if it’s even possible). Right now though, I don’t have any pictures of the graduation. At least Kyle video taped it, but my computer’s SD drive is having issues reading any SD card and so I can’t save that to my computer either. 🙁 But Jeremy graduated from kindergarten and he is already talking about needing to get a lunch box for next year. 😉

Turnabout is fair play

We sat down for dinner tonight, and as always, children were volunteering to pray. Jeremy was sitting with his arms folded the longest, so I selected him to pray. Chloe also wanted to pray, but she was okay with Jeremy praying. She offered to help him, as typically someone else offers to help her pray.

Chloe: “I hewp you, Jewemy!”
Jeremy: “I don’t need help.”
Me: “Jeremy, just let her help you.”
Chloe: “Say, ‘deah Heavvy Favvah'”
Jeremy: (pause…) “Dear Heavenly Father.”
Chloe: “tank you fowr da food”
Jeremy: (pauses again)
Me (whispering): “Jeremy…”
Jeremy: “I know how to do it!”

Still, we thanked Chloe for helping.

Jeremy’s Kindergarten Animal Report

Every year the kindergartners do an animal project. I think the project has kind of evolved over the years, or maybe the teachers just change it up each year for the fun of it. But I remember when Ethan was in kindergarten his class did their reports on dinosaurs. One of the other classes did whales and the third class did penguins (or something like that). I kind of thought it was about the same when Tyra was in kindergarten, but this year the kids in Jeremy’s class had a much wider variety of animals that they did their projects on. And this year they invited all the parents to come in the evening to check out all the different models that the kids made.

It’s always funny to me to see the projects that the kids turn in. The instructions have always clearly stated that we are to let our child build their model on their own as much as possible. So I’ve always tried not to interfere, maybe give some ideas, but let my kids build their models on their own. THEN we get to school on the day that they are due, and there are ALWAYS projects that it’s pretty obvious the parent did most of the work.

Jeremy chose to research bats for his project. I have no idea why, aside from maybe because Ethan did a report on bats last year. But Ethan had chosen to do his report on bats because Lego Batman was our newest lego video game at the time and Ethan was totally on a Batman kick. Jeremy plays Lego Batman, as well, but he doesn’t seem as obsessed with Batman as Ethan was.


Jeremy was very excited for us to go to the school to see his project on display.
