We had our Girl Scout investiture at the pavilion at our old stake center. We tried to get there early to get set up, but we didn’t get there as early as I would have liked.

Chloe and Dinah got to recite the Girl Scout law with the group of daisies. Then Chloe, since she is a new daisy this year, got to plant a seed of one of the daisy flower friends.
Tyra got to participate in a short candle ceremony with the juniors. The wind made it impossible to actually light the candles though. The wind also kept knocking the flags over.

Our program was nice and short (I think a couple of the families appreciated that), and our refreshments were provided by the girls. I think the girls really enjoy being responsible for the treats once in awhile, and they like to show off what they brought to all the other girls. We mingled awhile while we ate refreshments. Kyle and I kept picking up the trash and putting it in the van (we should have taken a trash bag with but totally didn’t even think of that).
While I was talking to someone, I noticed Lydia off in the field holding her dress up above her waist as she peed. I had to go tell Kyle about it, and a few others noticed and pointed it out to me like I hadn’t already noticed. We have been working on potty training with her and obviously she needed to go, but there weren’t any bathrooms at the pavilion. So wetting herself meant it was time for our family to go home so we could get her taken care of.