Lydia turned one today! We had a simple party with just our family here to celebrate. I made chocolate cupcakes with a cream cheese filling for the cake, and frosted them with chocolate frosting.

Nothing overly fancy, but oh so yummy just the same. One of my kids decided to try to snitch the filling from a bunch of cupcakes though:

I’m kind of leaning towards thinking it was Dinah. After all I KNOW it wasn’t Lydia, she would have taken the whole cake if she could, and really, she can’t reach the counter. Chloe CAN reach, but she can’t see high enough to be able to dig right into the filling and only the filling. Dinah, however, can see high enough to dig her finger right into the filling and nothing else. And really, I’m seriously hoping the others are all old enough to not be messing with things they shouldn’t be!
For presents, I just wrapped up some baby toys that we have had hiding in the basement since Chloe outgrew them. The kids were kind of bugged at me for not going out to buy something new for Lydia. But really she has NEVER seen these baby toys, and why spend money to buy something new when I can give her what I already have and she loves it just the same?

After she opened her presents, it was time to sing to her and give her cake. We ended up blowing out her candle for her, so that she wouldn’t grab it, but we let her eat her cake all by herself. 🙂

She has grown so much already! Here is a list of things about Lydia at 1 year old:
- Walking is her preferred method of getting around the house.
- She has 4 teeth with another 2 or 3 working their way through.
- She dances when she hears music.
- She babbles what sounds like she is trying to talk, but isn’t actually anything understandable yet. Sometimes it even sounds like she is trying to sing.