Stake Split

We had Stake Conference today, and they split our stake! Since we moved out here, almost 7 years ago we’ve been through 3 ward splits, and now a stake split. Obviously it’s been growing like crazy out here. There was already and Eagle Mountain East Stake and we were in the Eagle Mountain West Stake, so I kind of wondered what they would name a new stake if and when they had to split ours. The answer is: we are now part of the Eagle Mountain Central Stake! They had to release one of President Draper’s counselors, President Johnson, since he lived in the new stake, and they made him the Stake President over the new Stake. We also, now no longer have a bishop, because he was called to be one of President Johnson’s counselors. His other counselor is President Freeman, which happened to be our bishop when we were still part of the 1st ward (back when we first moved in, before any of the ward splits that we have lived through). I am very glad that I happen to know who all of these men are. Although I’m sad to lose President Draper as my stake president, I’m sure we will learn to love our new stake leaders just as dearly as we loved our last stake leaders. 🙂

Lydia’s first taste of solid food

I think she looks mesmerized by the camera more than anything else…


She’s not quite sure what to think…


She did a great job of opening her mouth for the spoon, and she was also pretty good about swallowing the rice cereal without gagging. 🙂


On another note, we’re still not sure what color her eyes are. They are not blue. And they are not brown.

Baskets laden with Fruit

We went out to Mt Pleasant today to Kyle’s uncle’s house to pick fruit! We tried to get the bigger kids to help and tried to keep the younger kids out of trouble, but the actual picking of fruit still took a lot longer than we hoped. BUT I love to see all the baskets full of fruit! 🙂


That cooler is filled with Italian plums, and there is also another cooler FULL of them (and we didn’t even clear off 1 of his 3 trees)! We also got some pears:


School Carnival

Every year the school has a carnival and we’ve never been before, just because I didn’t want to take a whole bunch of kids to a carnival at the school all by myself. This is the first year that the kids have been in school that Kyle isn’t working a second job, and so he was able to go to. So we decided to go this year. The kids had lots of fun. We got them all wristbands which allowed them unlimited access to all the slides and bounce houses and things like that. And we almost didn’t see them much after that. We got ONE picture:


We were too busy making sure we KNEW where all the kids were to bother with taking lots of pictures. 🙂 We had a good time and the kids were just so excited to be there, until the carnival was over and we had to go home. Then they cried and cried and cried as they watched the carnival people deflate everything and take down all the game stands and the food stands. I think they cried most of the way home. Why can’t kids just be happy that they got to go in the first place??? We were having a great time until the crying started. 😛

General Relief Society Meeting

I had the opportunity to go to the conference center for the general Relief Society meeting again this year. I think this is the third time that I’ve been. This year I went with several ladies from my ward, and we got there just after the time that we were supposed to be in our seats. But there were women EVERYWHERE outside the conference center waiting to get in. Every other time I’ve been everything has been so organized and they get us all in so quickly. This time there was no order whatsoever. We stood in line waiting for our turn to get in. Once inside we had to have our purses inspected and we had to walk through metal detectors so maybe that is what was taking so long. We didn’t actually get seated until after the opening hymn and opening prayer. I really enjoyed being there though, and I really enjoyed listening to the talks. And it was really nice to spend the evening with some great ladies from my ward. 🙂