Hot Dog!

Since we needed to do a bit of shopping, we decided to check out the new Wal-Mart in our area; Saratoga Springs (now we can get to Wal-Mart in UNDER 25 minutes!)  The layout is a bit different from the American Fork one, so it took a while to get used to, but it was nice anyway, and we got some good deals.  While I was checking out, Rebecca ran out to the van to grab our Fly Lady grocery bags, and she came back in with an excited expression on her face.  “The Weinermobile is here,” she explained.  She had never been close to it before, aside from the Hard Hat Harry video we have about it, so we had to stop by and inspect it, before heading home.

I remember hearing on the radio that Oscar Meyer receives thousands of applications for people wanting to be a “Hotdogger,” one of the drivers of the giant dog.  I didn’t realise how popular the job would be of driving this thing around.  Anyway, we let the kids walk around (and even peek their heads inside and check out the interior), and they were thrilled to get whistles and stickers from the Hotdoggers.  What an unusual experience!

What a big dog!

We got a picture of Ethan, Tyra, and Jeremy, in front of the Weinermobile.  Dinah stayed in the cart during the picture moment, although she got to look inside it with the others.

In front of the Weinermobile

I suspect that Rebecca was just as thrilled at seeing this thing in person, as the kids were!

Mean Mommy

Yes, I am a mean mommy. I make my kids clean up their toys before dinner (or at least I try). I make my kids eat food they don’t like. I’m SO mean!!!!

I just don’t want my kids to grow up to be lazy bums that never have to do anything because ‘mommy did it all for them’ growing up. I just WISH I knew the secret to getting them to help out more. I have tried being nice, I have tried making the job fun, I have tried giving treats for cooperative behaviour, I have tried yelling and screaming, and recently I have tried playing ‘cleaning music’ during clean up time. That way they could dance as they clean or sing the working songs (and there is a time limit to clean-up time). So far both positive and negative motivation are just NOT working, and I am getting frustrated. With only 7-9 weeks left of this pregnancy, and Kyle working the two jobs and so is never home, I get worn out really fast. I physically cannot do everything for everyone. It’s just not possible. My kids are old enough to be responsible for certain things. But obviously they don’t think so. Ergh! I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Baby is getting bigger

I am 16 weeks along and felt the baby move for the first time today. That is always so exciting. 😀 It’s still so small and I have to be paying attention to be able to feel it move. Before I know it, I won’t be able to get it to stop moving. 😛 Oh the joys of being pregnant. I am still not showing very much, but that is normal for me. I am finding certain clothes to be too tight though. I am just greatful that I have these jeans that hang low on my hips, so I should be able to wear them for awhile still (even if they are the only pair of jeans that fit right now). 🙂

Baby’s Heart Beat

I went to my 10 week prenatal visit today, and met a new midwife at the clinic. Her name is Jessica and I think I like her. I really enjoy seeing the midwives at Mt Timpanogos Women’s Health Care. They really care and take the time to ask if you have questions, and answer any questions you have. So today I went in and got to hear the baby’s heart beat for the first time. So exciting. I think this is the part of the pregnancy when the concept of being pregnant starts to become real. Up until this point I have felt like I was just living in this dream where the pregancy is not really real. It’s exciting, but there is no real evidence of being pregnant yet, other than feeling a bit off (but that can happen for any number of reasons). Then you hear the heart beat and realize “HEY! There really IS something living inside me!” It’s great. 🙂