World Thinking Day

Today I got to go with the girls to world thinking day. Our troop learned about Lichtenstein this year.


I feel silly that I didn’t even notice that the girls had misspelled Lichtenstein on our troop poster, until I was looking at these pictures.

The girls got to paint masks at Australia, make flowers at Mexico, go fishing at Canada, and make teacups at England. They also got to eat pretzels at Germany, and dreikoenigskuchen (three kings cake) at Lichtenstein, and drink horchata at Mexico.



I love this picture of the girls in a friendship circle with the banner of flags in the background.


Totally stressful day

Today has been a completely crazy and stressful day. Adam took a piece of glass out of one of my glass top tables in the living room, then he dropped it though the hole it was supposed to sit in and it landed on one of the rocks I inherited from Grandma Shirley, causing it to break. 🙁


Later I caught him hitting another section of glass in another of the living room tables with a rock that he had in his hand. Then I found Adam and Lydia standing on the kitchen counter getting into the medicine cupboard. They were just determined to be naughty today!

This afternoon I had to finish collecting all of the order forms for Girl Scout cookies, from my girls. It felt like I had to hunt them down to get them turned in. I had given a due date and a time that they must be turned in by, and they weren’t all turned in by then. I had several that I needed to hunt down. Then a few of the parents hadn’t totaled up the numbers like they were asked to, so I had to do that to. I sent a message to verify a final number for one of the girls and her mom flipped out insisting that it was supposed to be higher than that. So after going back and forth we figured out that I was missing one of the order cards. So then she was freaking out and I am freaking out trying to find it. I eventually found it, and had to total up that card and come up with a new final total for that girl. And all while I was trying to work on hunting down order cards, and getting everything added up, I had parents harassing me to find out what incentives their girls were going to receive! I hadn’t even made our troop’s order yet and they already wanted to know which prizes their daughters were going to get! I finally got everything counted up, and I was ready to sit at the computer and put everything into eCookie to place our troop’s order. I went through one girl/family at a time and put all the orders in. I was just about done when I tried to save it, and something went wrong and everything was lost! 🙁 So I got to re-enter everything, stopping to save after each girl. I was having such a crazy time with the cookie orders that I didn’t make dinner tonight. Kyle had to help me get that figured out when I was done with cookies.

Later I went downstairs and found sunflower seeds all over the family room! It looked like sunflower seeds had exploded everywhere! I guess, when Kyle took the kids downstairs to keep them out of my hair so I could take care of cookie business, he passed out bags of some trail mix. Most of the kids don’t care for the sunflowers and so they just ended up everywhere. I am so ready for today to be over! 🙁

You got that!

Sitting with the three year old, trying to get her to sleep, I tell her, “I don’t want to be sitting here at 11:30 at night. I want to be sleeping!”
Kyle responded, “I want to be sleeping too!”
I answered saying, “Neither of us are getting what we want.”
Kyle then said, “If that’s the case, then I want to be cleaning barf in the bathroom in the middle of the night!”
I told him, “Well, you got that!”