Payson Temple Open House

Kyle arranged to work later today so that we could go to the Payson Temple open house this morning. As was expected, the temple was beautiful. The kids really enjoy going to temple open houses and seeing all the beautiful rooms. And we get an opportunity to talk about what they are for.

The landscaping isn’t quite finished outside, considering that it is still early spring, but there were some flowers to look at. Kids are always attracted to the fountains on the grounds.






I tried to get a picture of the whole front of the temple, but I had someone do a photo bomb:


In the visitors tent after the tour they had a photo-op, so we went ahead and posed, and they emailed it to us later.


Pinewood Derby

It’s pinewood derby time again! Jeremy has been working on his car for quite awhile and it looks amazing.


Tada! King Candy’s car, from the movie Wreck it Ralph. Jeremy has a theme going on here. Last year it was Vanellope’s car, this year King Candy, and he already knows what he wants to do for next year….and yes it’s also from Wreck it Ralph. 😉

He didn’t win overall, but there were a couple of races that he came in first.



Jeremy also helped me make some treats to bring along (making snacks for a scout meeting is one of the electives), and I think everyone loved them:


Art Museum

We met Kyle in town this morning for an appointment, that ended really quickly. So rather than just going right back to work he suggested that we take the kids to check out the Woodbury Art museum in the mall. It has been awhile since we have been, and thought that it would be fun to see what they’ve got to show this time.


The lady at the desk gave the kids a couple of “I spy” sheets with just a small section of the painting showed, so that the kids had to go find which painting it was a part of, and that kept some of them busy. The little ones we had to ask them if they could find something in the picture. Like in these pictures of fruit, we would ask “Can you find the pears?” 🙂

