Upcoming Events

Ethan turns twelve this week and will be ordained with the Aaronic Priesthood next week, and we decided that we would have Seth’s baby blessing at the same time so out of town family could be here for both. Tonight I wanted to take pictures of the two of them so I could send out an invitation online.




Then the other kids wanted to give Seth some loving.




Welcoming 2015

I saw this picture posted on Facebook yesterday:

BTTF 2015So when we were talking about what to do while we waited for the new year, I suggested we do a Back to the Future marathon. Kyle was all for the idea. 😉

After dinner we started our marathon, and we had some snacks to go along with. Adam and Seth fell asleep before midnight. All the others were still wide awake (and Lydia was quite loud) at 1am when the movie was over and we told them to go to bed.

2014 is over and gone, here’s to hoping 2015 is awesome!


I just love my little boys. Adam loves his little brother so much and is always trying to be around him. He will help bring me the bottle after Kyle makes it up, and he will take Seth’s diapers to the trash after we change him. Today he climbed up on my bed to lay down with him. 🙂


Christmas with Family

We had Kyle’s family over for dinner tonight, and of course, Liesl took lots of pictures. 🙂


We decided to do breakfast for dinner. So we made up a couple of pans of baked french toast. I usually use my large glass baking dish for the baked french toast, but this time I decided to try using my nice new cookie sheets. They worked PERFECTLY! For one each sheet can hold more than the glass pan can, and for two the tops turned out crispy, not soggy like what sometimes happens in the glass pan. I am very happy with the result and I’m loving my new cookies sheets. 🙂 Liesl brought some fruit and then helped in the kitchen making some waffles. We boiled up and browned a huge amount of sausage links and fried up a few pounds of bacon. We decided to skip the idea of crepes. Kyle wanted to make those too, but I thought he was nuts. While we were finishing up the cooking of food, Laurel took the kids downstairs to do some crafts that she had brought, with them. After we ate, everyone just kind of hung out.


Chloe seems to like attacking Alex lately. At least he’s a good sport about it.


Granny brought a Pluto stuffed animal for Adam, and she also brought some candy for the kids. Lydia decided to share some candy with Pluto.


Granny also brought some pajamas that she made for the kids.



Since she was taking pictures, Liesl wanted to get a current picture of Kyle and myself.


Ethan and Alex spent a lot of time together this evening, I don’t know why they are both making goofy faces though.


Here they look a little more normal.


This picture of Ethan reminds me of one of those teen heart throb posters that some of my friends in junior high/high school had…but he’s not even TWELVE YET!


Kyle’s back has been bothering him, so he laid down on the floor to stretch it out, and he asked Jeremy to push on it. Jeremy didn’t do such a good job of pushing on Kyle’s back, so he walked on it instead.


Before everyone left, Liesl got pictures of Alex & Sylvia holding Seth, since they weren’t here the other day when Lars & Daniel got to hold him.



Christmas Day

Christmas started way earlier than it should have this morning. The older kids were wide awake first thing, and woke up the little ones because they knew they weren’t allowed out in the living room until everyone was awake. Adam was QUITE grumpy at being awakened. I just laid in bed pretending to be asleep for awhile to annoy the older kids. 😛

When I finally got up, I went out to the living room to preheat the oven and open the blinds and I found a blanket of white outside that was not there last night! Snow has been pretty sparse this winter.


Since Adam was not happy about being awakened, I took him out to the living room by himself first. I had to show him which stocking was his.


Then he went to show everybody else and we let them all come out to the living room.


The kids lined up in order like that by themselves, and Jeremy is holding Seth. 🙂




We let them play around with what they got in their stockings for awhile then we had breakfast. After breakfast, we moved on to unwrapping presents. We cut way back on presents this year. Partly because we didn’t start shopping until way late, partly because we couldn’t afford much this year, and mostly because we have a TON of stuff already. Grandpa had asked for some ideas for Christmas shopping, and I told him that we have so much stuff that we don’t need any more stuff. I gave him a few ideas that could be for the whole family. He decided to go with getting the family a telescope, a very nice telescope. It’s a computerized telescope, and we can’t wait until it’s warmer so we can play around with it.


Jeremy had asked for the Disney infinity game, and Ethan wanted the Skylanders video game. I’m not excited about either of these games because you are required to buy each character that you want to play as, separately. So not a cheap, buy it once and play it to unlock characters kind of game. But Jeremy almost never asks for anything specific, so Kyle got the game for him. Jeremy was very excited about it too.


Lydia, since she is three and going into Sunbeams at the beginning of the year, she got a set of scriptures.


Each kid had a present to open, and we let Adam open the one for Seth. There were also a few presents from Santa for everyone.



Kyle and I didn’t even get anything for each other, just because we have so much stuff that we didn’t feel like just buying something random for each other.

The rest of the day, we just relaxed and let the kids play with the new stuff. And since Debby and Jeff no longer live in Utah, they didn’t stop by and it was just our family all day. To avoid cooking we made sure we had fixings for sandwiches. Over the years we have found that we prefer keeping the food simple on Christmas day, and we do the fancy stuff whenever we are getting together with family. Which this year, will be tomorrow. 🙂