Hanging out in California

This morning we attended church in my parents ward. It’s always nice to go back and see who’s still in the ward. It seems like so many have moved out, and there are so many new faces that I don’t know. After church we let the kids spend some time in my parents pool. After our experience with Tyra nearly drowning in their pool, I decided that I would also put my suit on and go in.



Sandy had invited us over to her place for dinner so we spent the evening hanging out there. Jimmy spent some time literally hanging. Hanging onto Tiffany so she wouldn’t drop him. 😉


The kids took turns playing video games.


The boys played with Pokemon cards, when it wasn’t their turn to play on the wii.


After dinner, one of Sandy’s and Robert’s renters found a lizard outside and brought it into the house. Mom asked for them to give it to her, which they did reluctantly. Mom sat there stroking the lizard to calm it down, and all the grandkids got to gather around to check it out.



Upon our arrival at my parents house yesterday dad and mom both made several comments about how when Wendy arrived she placed something by the kitchen sink. The first time they made the comment it sounded odd, so I just kind of thought, “ok, so Wendy put something by the sink”. But after they had both made the same comment multiple times it was obvious that they wanted me to go see what Wendy put by the sink. Of course mom followed me into the kitchen, and I saw a baby bottle by the sink with “Grandbaby #13, March 2015” written on it in puffy paints. So I said that was pretty cool, and Kyle and I talked about it later while we were getting ready for bed.

Tonight since we had all of my family at my parents house we decided that it was time. While we were having ice cream after dinner, Kyle picked up the bottle and took it to Wendy and John and said “Actually it should say grandbaby #14”. Wendy looked confused and said that she counted right, but Kyle insisted that no, it should say #14. Wendy finally got it, and asked if we were expecting too. There was mass confusion as everyone caught on and was in complete shock. Mom just started laughing, and Wendy had to verify that I was in fact farther along than she was. I said that I’m 16 weeks and I’m due in December. Everyone was in shock at that too. Tom wanted me to lift my shirt so he could see my belly. I refused to go that far. But I did hold my shirt tight against my belly to show the outline of the small bump that is there.

So this is an official announcement, announcing that baby #8 is on the way. Our baby #8 will be grandbaby #13 for my parents and grandbaby #12 for Kyle’s mom. 🙂

Grandma Shirley’s Service

Today we are in California for Grandma Shirley’s memorial service. Dad has been sending me messages letting me know that Grandma hasn’t been doing very well and that she wasn’t expected to live very much longer. Since he had said that she was pretty much unresponsive, Kyle and I decided not to try to make the trip before she died to try to see her, but to just wait until after her passing. That way we could just use Kyle’s bereavement time to make the trip instead of using PTO. Things actually worked out better for us having planned to wait on coming down. Grandma passed away on the 14th, but dad and Uncle Mark and Aunt Glenda decided to schedule the service for today, the 28th. Had we come down as soon as we knew she wasn’t going to live much longer, or right after we got word that she had passed, then we wouldn’t have been able to stick around long enough to be in town for the service.

Dad asked Kyle to make the program for the service. Aunt Glenda and Charity gave the eulogy. Dad and Wendy both gave talks. Uncle Mark and Aunt Tammy gave the opening and closing prayers. I got to lead the music, and I also put together a slide show. There ended up not being any way to show the slide show at the service though. We couldn’t show it in the chapel, and we didn’t have access to a tv or projector and screen to be able to show it after the service at the luncheon. We decided to show it at mom & dad’s house later that evening. I was told that everyone would be coming over, however they ended up not coming at all. So I got to just make copies of the slide show onto dvd’s and they got passed out later.

Kyle did walk around at the luncheon to take some pictures for me.




Cherry Picking

Aunt Linda called us this morning to invite us to come pick some cherries. Wendy and John were supposed to be in town to visit us at some point during the day, but I wasn’t sure when, or what they would want to do while they were here. So I asked them if they would like to go pick some cherries with us. They happened to be with Debby when I asked and so Debby came along too and we made one big cherry picking party of it!

We got to Aunt Linda and Uncle Aaron’s house and they weren’t there but they had told us to just go ahead and pick some. We knew that the big tree in middle of their front yard was a cherry tree and so we got to work picking.




Kyle called Uncle Aaron to ask where we can find a ladder, so we could get to the cherries that were higher up. Uncle Aaron came back home to get a ladder out for us, and then pointed out a second very large tree off to the side of their front yard that was also LOADED with cherries. I saw that tree and it’s bounty of goodness and wished I had brought more boxes. So Uncle Aaron also gave us a couple of empty boxes that he had lying around in the garage.

Adam had a great time eating cherries that we had picked. The only thing is….he eats them seeds and all….



