Keeping the Tooth Fairy Busy

Having kids so close together means the tooth fairy has been visiting our house a LOT lately. Ethan, Tyra, Jeremy and Dinah have all lost some teeth already, but none of them have lost all of their baby teeth yet. The other day, Chloe’s birthday in fact, before we left the house to go to the dentist and run errands, Jeremy lost another top front tooth.


At the dentist Ethan ended up having two molars pulled because they were crumbling under the pressure of the new adult tooth as it tried to push it’s way out. So the tooth fairy had to come collect THREE teeth that night!

Today, Tyra lost another tooth as well. So this makes trip number two and tooth number four from us for the tooth fairy tonight!

Chloe’s 5th Birthday

Today is Chloe’s fifth birthday! We spent the morning in town running some errands, and so I didn’t have time to make her a cake. We had a dentist appointment, and we went to the toy store. We went to McDonalds for lunch, and the last errand we ran before coming home was to pick up some plants to put in our vegetable garden at a nursery just down the street from where Kyle works. I stopped to pick Kyle up from work first so he could be with us when we decided what we were getting for the garden. We got lots of plants, tomato plants, onion, rhubarb and more. The kids also picked out a cute bug garden decoration, then it was time to head home. So I took Kyle back to his place of work so he could get his car, and I headed home with the kids.

After getting home, and unloading the kids from the van, I got all the plants unloaded and set on the porch. The kids had taken some of the other purchases into the house, and began playing. We hadn’t been home very long when I heard an awful sound, and Chloe began crying frantically. It turns out that Lydia was swinging the bug garden decoration around and one of the bug’s wings cut Chloe right between the eyes!


Here is the bug, with it’s nice, thin wings (which are made of metal btw).


Sigh. I really didn’t want to take her in to get stitches. I was afraid that stitches might leave an even bigger scar, than would be left if we tried to take care of it ourselves. So I superglued the cut closed, or at least I tried my best to glue it closed without gluing my fingers to her face. The bug decoration went into the front yard, since after it had been used to cause an owie like that I just couldn’t put it in the backyard. I just know that the kids would have just played with it some more when I let them out to play. Then after Kyle got home we proceeded with celebrating her birthday.


Girl Scout Day Camp

I volunteered to help out at the Girl Scout day camp again this year. This year the theme was GSI:Girl Scout investigation, and we held it at the Girl Scout building in American Fork. They had a crime scene set up, with some clues for the girls to figure out. The crime? Someone stole the thin mints! We had it set up so that each day there was a clue that the girls were to pay attention to, then each of the leaders at day camp was given a set of answers to tell the girls when the girls asked us about the clues. One of the leaders was set up to be the cookie caper, and all the rest of us were considered other suspects until our answers ruled us out. That went on throughout the three days of camp. There were other activities to keep us busy each day.


One day we had a K-9 officer come talk to the girls and give them a demonstration of how they’ve got the dogs trained to help them.



Another day we had an ambulance come, and the girls got a tour of all the compartments and the inside. The last day the girls got to participate in an obstacle course for one portion of the day, and they got to play cops and robbers for another portion. Cops and robbers was kind of just a twist on tag. The “cops” got to wear a cardboard police car, and chase all the people who weren’t wearing cars at all.

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At the end of every day, it was so cool to see the girls form a giant friendship circle.


Our New Furniture!

Our new bedroom furniture arrived today!!! I am so excited and it took way longer than they told us it would, but it’s finally here! A couple of guys brought it and they got it unloaded and set up in my room. Then they even offered to move our mattress from the basement to put it on the bed for me. Kyle and I won’t be sleeping in the basement tonight. 🙂

Here are some pictures of what our room used to look like:




Now it looks like this:


It’s now pretty obvious that we aren’t going to get both the recliner and the treadmill back in there. So we are going to have to figure out which one will get to go back in our room, and where the other one is going to go instead. I’m so excited to get to sleep in my room again! And now I get to start figuring out what I’m going to put in which drawers. 😀