I love scout expos. Ever since we attended our very first scout expo a few years ago, we have made an effort to attend any scout expos that we have heard of since. A few months ago we heard about this council wide scout expo, that would also include the Great Salt Lake council, and we made sure to put it on the calendar. We have been looking forward to it since then. It is the BIGGEST scout expo that we have ever been to! We also heard that there would be a Girl Scouts booth, so we made sure the girls wore their uniforms too. 😉
The very first booth we stopped at the kids got to learn about a game called King’s Court. They got to sit down and play a game, and we even got to bring home instructions, and papers to color to make our own boards.

While some of the other kids were finishing up their games, Dinah went to the booth next door and tried to walk in some humongous snow shoes:

At another booth there was this HUGE catapult that some boy scouts built. They were putting candy in the bucket and letting kids launch it, then they got to retrieve it. The only problem is that they were launching lolly pops, and the lolly pops crumbled upon impact with the floor. They should have been launching twizzlers or tootsie rolls or something else soft that won’t crack.

While we were waiting for Ethan to work on merit badge stuff at an electricity booth, Lydia found bean bag toss at the next booth. There was nobody there and the leaders manning the booth were quite bored, until Lydia went over there and dominated it.

At another booth we found this sort of hockey game that looked like a neat project to make.

There were also some carts that the kids could go for short rides in. The scouts working the booth pushed the girls around in the carts, but the leader in charge let Ethan and Jeremy push each other around.

We did not get to everything before the expo was over and people started packing up their booths. There were also a couple of rock climbing walls and a zip line that the kids wanted to try out, but by the time we got to them they were already closed or not allowing anyone else to get in the line. I really liked seeing the support from all the different packs and troops that chose to participate in the expo. It really made me excited to see a scout expo so large! And I think the kids had a good time too. 🙂