Car Bed

Today’s project was rearranging the boys room. Bringing the living room tables in last night made me so excited to bring in more of what we are going to keep that I decided the car bed was coming in next. I couldn’t just place it in the empty corner of the boys room though. It would fit there, but that’s where the vent for the room is…in the floor. So I had to have the boys clean their messy room and I moved the bunk bed to the corner with the vent and the crib came around to the other side of the room. At least the bunk bed is raised up off the ground and air would be able to flow, the car bed sits directly on the floor. Then I went out into the garage and like the macho mamma that I am, I lifted that huge car bed over the other boxes and stuff out there and brought it into the house. Once in the house I could just push it down the hall and put it in place. Adam was very curious about what was going on:


After I got all the dust wiped off, I brought in the piece of plywood that supports the mattress, and the mattress, and we got the bed all made up. Adam really likes it.



We won’t use it for him to sleep on regularly just yet. We’ll let him just get used to having it in there before transitioning him into it, but so far he likes it!

Grandma’s Shirley’s Piano

The piano at my parent’s house was Grandma Shirley’s piano when she was young. Now, my dad is trying to downsize to be able to eventually move into a smaller house someday, and so he offered Grandma’s piano to us. Wendy and John were passing through Utah with a moving truck on their way to Idaho, where they plan to live while John is continuing school. They planned on staying the night with us on their way, and so dad put the piano (and some other things, including their trampoline) on the truck to be brought to our house. We had given Tiffany one of our old entertainment centers, and with that no longer in the living room, there was plenty of room for the piano.

Wendy and John were here yesterday! The piano is now safe in my living room. I’m not going to lie, I was REALLY nervous about it being moved. Dad took time off to make sure he would be at home to supervise the loading and tying down of the piano in the truck. We rounded up a few neighbors after scouts last night and I don’t think I breathed very easily until it was set in place in the living room. THEN I was super excited that it is here and that it is SAFE! 🙂



John also helped me get our living room tables out of the garage so they could come inside and not be in storage any more. I’m loving the clean uncluttered look. 😀

Spring Cleaning

We started some spring cleaning this morning. We pulled everything out of the entry way and scrubbed it down, before rearranging things and putting them back. I had the kids do the scrubbing.




Before putting all the shoes away we went through them and I made each kid try on every pair of their shoes. The ones that were too small went into a box in the garage to await the next kid being ready for them, and the only ones that got put away are the ones that fit now. Of course we only cleaned the entry way today and we still have the whole rest of the house to go. At least SOMETHING is clean!

Kid Swing

Recently Granny gave us a swing for the kids. It used to be at Laurel & Roine’s house back when Alex and Sylvia were small, but it went back to sit in Granny’s garage when they outgrew it. Granny really wanted to make sure that it got used by the kids and so she gave it to us because we have so many little ones. Since it has only ever been used inside, I thought it would be perfect to set it up downstairs as extra seating for when we are watching movies. 🙂



My Little Handyman

While I was at the cookie warehouse yesterday, Kyle took the kids to the home depot workshop. I guess they got there right before noon and so they just brought the project kits home and some of the kids were working on putting them together today. Even Adam was trying to use the tools.


By the way, these are so far the WORST projects that Home Depot has had for the kids. They are supposed to be the Trojan horse from the Mr Peabody and Sherman movie. They are on wheels and being left on the table they end up rolling off and losing a leg, or it’s head. Not a very sturdy project.
