LDS BSA 100th Anniversary Celebration

LDS BSA 100I heard about the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the LDS Church’s relationship with the Boy Scouts of America a few months ago, and thought it would be fun to go as a troop to the meeting. However, since moving to Utah, it seems that tickets are extremely rare, as they have around 20,000 seats in the place, and typically we only get a couple tickets for the stake to use. So, I went on, thinking to encourage the boys to go to the local broadcast.

At church a couple weeks ago, I heard that our stake has a couple dozen tickets available. I was thrilled and asked for enough tickets to take all our Webelos. I went around and passed out permission slips for each boy and let them know I would plan on leaving early enough to get there on time, but as the day approached, a complication came of not having an additional adult to go with, as my co-leader would not be able to get home early enough. I sent out a text asking if any fathers would be available to go. Then about 15 minutes before we were planning to leave, I had to send out another one, telling them we didn’t have another adult and we wouldn’t be able to go as a troop. One boy still came, a newer addition to our numbers (as he hadn’t been active in scouts until recently), and it really made me sad to tell him he needed to go home since we didn’t have anyone else to go with. His mom sent me a text that he would just go to the stake broadcast with his grandpa.

I still took Ethan and Jeremy. We left to give us plenty of time, as I didn’t know how close our assigned parking lot would be. We got there an hour before it started, and walked the few blocks through downtown, including the shopping area, then got into the building. I can’t remember the last time I saw so many people in scout uniforms. Perhaps the Jamborees that we used to go to when I was in scouts? We got into the building and kept working up, as our seats were in the top section.



The performance was outstanding. The whole program was hosted by a group of teenage boys, dressed as boy scouts through the century. They sang songs and acted out scenes, with many other scouts (possibly hundreds) assisting with the acting and songs. They also gave everybody a phone number to text to count how many people participated, and said it would be available online. Once home, I pulled up the “Mom, You Earned Your Eagle” song to play for Rebecca, which was a tribute to mothers and the hard work they put into their scouts’ achievements. Overall, I think the highlight was being in the conference center when President Monson spoke. I had no idea how much he has been involved in the scouting program, and it really makes me want to try harder in my role as leader, and in our boys’ lives.

After the celebration was over and we left, the boys were hungry so we stopped by the food court across the street, in the mall.  Ethan chose pizza from Sbarro’s, and Jeremy picked a footlong from Subway.  Ethan only ate 1 1/2 slices, but Jeremy finished the entire footlong by himself! I knew the boy was growing. He’s almost 8, not quite in scouts officially, but he still loved the chance to go.



FHE-Pumpkin Picking

We went to go pick out some pumpkins today! We were kind of waiting for the prices to go down, but they just didn’t this year. So we just said forget it and went to the grocery store. They were pretty picked over when we got there. The giant mound of pumpkins that had been in front of the store was now just some pumpkins on the ground with lots of foot space in between. It was also SUPER windy, so we wanted to get this over with quick. Each kid got to pick their own. Kyle talked Lydia into picking a small golden squash instead of a pumpkin, so I picked out a pumpkin for her to decorate for Halloween. I also picked out Adam’s.


The bigger kids weren’t so easy to please and took more time to pick out their pumpkins. The cold wind didn’t help as they spent most of the time trying to bundle up as they peaked at the pumpkins that were available.


They all eventually found a pumpkin they were willing to call theirs and we went inside to go buy them. One of the store employees saw our load of pumpkins and said “Wow! That’s a lot of pumpkins.” My response was “Well, one per kid!” 🙂


Apple Picking

Uncle Denis called and said that he has plenty of apples this year! He called several weeks later this year than he usually does and I was starting to think that maybe there just wasn’t any fruit this year either (that is what happened last year). So we decided to make a trip to Mt Pleasant today to go pick some apples.



Uncle Denis wasn’t there when we got there, but that is ok, because he is almost never at home when we go to pick apples, and he knew we were coming so he left the ladders out for us. Uncle Aaron and Aunt Linda happened to come out to pick some apples too, so we had a little extra adult supervision. 🙂 Because it was later, than usual when we got there to pick apples, so many apples had fallen from the trees. We were smooshing apples with our feet with every step we took. Uncle Denis usually just leaves the fallen apples on the floor of the orchard for the deer to eat through the winter. He says that they dig through the snow with their noses to find the apples so they can eat them.



The bigger kids helped pick some of the apples this year, which was nice. I think something like picking apples can be a lot of work, but it can be fun too. Aunt Linda had brought a couple of quilts to lay on the ground around a tree, then she would shake it to get the apples to fall off onto the quilt. The kids thought this was an awesome way to “pick” apples, so when they didn’t get to be the one on the ladder to pick apples they went to go help shake trees. 🙂 We took a break in the middle of the day to go have a lunch snack and some ice cream at a local restaurant with Uncle Aaron and Aunt Linda. When we finished there we headed back to Uncle Denis’ house and there we said goodbye to Uncle Aaron and Aunt Linda because they had enough apples and were ready to leave.

Lydia and Adam didn’t do much picking, but they did a lot of munching on apples. 😉



Uncle Denis and Aunt Marti came home in the evening. They brought a couple of pizzas with them in case we were still there picking apples. So when it got too dark to pick any more, we went inside and had dinner. When everyone had eaten their fill, we asked Uncle Denis if he would talk to Ethan and Tyra about photography stuff. Ethan was working on the photography pin for cub scouts and Tyra was working on the digital photographer badge for girl scouts. So Uncle Denis took us down the hall of marbles (the hall walls are both lined with loads of marbles) to his studio. The kids got a bit side tracked by the marbles. The boys especially liked checking them out, but they went to the studio anyway to learn about photography.


It’s was funny to read some of the requirements of the pin and have Uncle Denis say that cameras don’t even do that any more. So much of it seems obsolete now, like digital photography is so different than photography when film was involved. When we were done talking about photography, we made the kids make a final trip to the bathroom so that their bladders would be ready for the long trip home and we started loading the kids up. Uncle Denis showed the boys his collection of Batman stuff while they waited for their turns in the bathroom. And we came home with loads of apples! 😀


My Birthday

Kyle took the day off of work to spend the day with me for my birthday. I started the morning off by sending Kyle to go get some donuts for breakfast, and while he was gone I went downstairs and did my workout. When he came back we had birthday donuts for breakfast. 🙂


After breakfast we headed into town to get new tires for the van, and while the van was in the shop we walked across the parking lot to go to Costco. While at Costco we picked out a birthday cake, and we picked up a few other items that we were in need of. We went back to the shop and picked up the van and then we went to a Halloween store to see if we could find something for Tyra to wear this year. We got a princess costume for her, and then it was time to get back home for Girl Scouts.

My girl scouts came over and we had a good time working on their badge. Kyle left to go to Texas Roadhouse to pick up something for dinner. He got back after my meeting was over and we ate quickly because the bishopric had an appointment to come over this evening. I don’t know why they wanted to come over tonight, especially since they KNEW it was my birthday and even brought a gift (it was a stinky candle). They just kind of wanted to see how things were going and to chat for a bit, then they had to leave to get to another meeting.


We got everybody gathered back up in the kitchen and they sang to me and we had cake. There weren’t any presents so after cake it was bed time. It turned out to be a crazy day. I had hoped it wouldn’t just turn into an errand day, but that is kind of what happened. At least now the van has nice new tires, all ready for driving in the snow, when the snowy season hits. 🙂

Sick children


Rebecca has pointed out to me on multiple occasions that when it comes to having children get sick, she much rather prefers sleepy lethargic children, the type that just want to sleep all day; over barfy children (need no explanation here, but its worse with the young ones that don’t recognize the feeling and fail to reach the toilet on time.)

Well, after the last two nights of being up most of the night with feverish crying children, she exclaimed, “I wanted them sleepy sick! Not this!”

To which I had to point out, “you just said you didn’t want them barfy sick. You need to be more specific on your order.”