Today was cold, and rainy. We talked about going miniature golfing, but again weren’t sure if we would be able to, because who wants to be playing mini golf out in the rain? Not me, that’s for sure. As we were suggesting that we do something else, Debby and Jeff mentioned that Tragalga has an indoor mini golf course, so we decided to go check it out. We got there before Debby, Jeff and Mom, and the parking lot seemed empty. So we sent Kyle to go see if he could find the entrance and see if they were open. Turns out that the main entrance was on the other side of the building, and there was another parking lot over there that wasn’t quite so empty. So once the others got there we went inside and paid for a game of golf.
The indoor golf course was dark, with black lights that made the neon paint glow. My camera didn’t pick that up very well though.

Our group was so large that we ended up being rather spread out over the course. So basically once someone played a hole they moved on to the next hole without waiting for the group, or we would have blocked up the whole course. Debby ended up not playing, and so she took my camera and walked around taking pictures of all of us. Tiffany stayed with Lydia and she didn’t play much either.

Look at how hard Lydia is concentrating on hitting that ball:

Then she realized that she was having her picture taken:

Hey look! There’s actually a picture of me! That almost never happens because I’m always the one taking the pictures. ๐

I think Oma was having fun:

Jeremy didn’t just play the game. After he finished a hole (especially the ones with a ramp) he would go back to the beginning and try to do a better job of getting the ball up the ramp.

Debby tried to take a picture of herself with Adam, and he looks like he wasn’t too sure what to think of that.

After our game of golf was over, we had some tokens to use up in the arcade. So we turned the kids loose with a token each to go play some games.

I think most of the kids were attracted to the games where you get candy back, but they did get excited about collecting tickets too.

Kyle and Jeff got to play some big boy games.

Once the tokens were gone, and we had gotten prizes for each of the kids we needed to leave to go see Turbo at the cheapy theater. We rushed over there because we were pushing it on time, and we quickly unloaded everyone and ran in to get in line and get some tickets so we could make it before the movie started. We got up the counter and said that we wanted to see the current showing of Turbo, and they said, “Uh our last showing of Turbo for the day was an hour and a half ago”. Our response was “What!?” So I pulled up on my phone and said, “No it shows that you are supposed to be showing it now.” They had no idea why the website was showing that, and insisted that they weren’t showing Turbo any more today. So they tried to offer us other shows, and they just sounded lame. So we decided we needed to talk about it, and we went over to the door to converse about what we should do now. We had just decided to go to the store and get our own boxes of candy, and watch a movie at our house after dinner, when the manager came over and apologized for the confusion and he told us that they had switched things around, so they gave us FREE movie tickets for everyone that we had there, which was like 15! We thanked him and headed to the store.
Kyle stayed in the van with the kids while the other adults and I ran into the store to get treats for while we watched a movie at home. While we were in there, I saw that they had the Croods available to buy too, so I bought that as well as the treats. Shopping took longer than it needed to, because some of us got separated from the others, and then this was a store I had never been to, so I wasn’t sure where to find the candy aisle. But we finally finished up and left to go meet John at Chuck a rama.
We got to Chuck a rama a bit earlier than we expected, so while we continued to wait for John, Kyle and I ran across the parking lot to go to See’s to get some yummy bridge mix (for our movie night at home of course). Then we unloaded the kids and the other adults from the car to go inside to wait for John. We had just decided to go pay and get seated, and tell the employees to just send John back when he got there, when he showed up anyway. They seated us at a couple of tables that they had pushed together and then the rest of us had to sit in a booth across the aisle from the table we were sitting at. Everyone ate their fill, and we decided it was time to go home and watch our movie.
When we got home, we decided we would watch the Croods, since I just bought it and some of our visitors had never seen it before. We got out some of the treats, but decided that we were all too stuffed for popcorn, and we had our movie night at home.
Crazy, crazy busy day, but everyone had a good time. ๐