I just realized that Chloe will be in kindergarten next year! Which means she is preschool age now, and I should probably be doing more “school” stuff with her. That means she will also be a Daisy girl scout next year. HOW was I not aware of this!? Somehow, I was thinking that she wouldn’t start kindergarten until the next year and that she would start Daisies the year that Dinah moves up to Brownies. I am really finding myself shocked to figure this out. At least I figured it out now and not the week before school starts next year. 😛 But man! Who told her she could grow up so fast???
“I Do Mine Job?”
I have a chore chart up on the fridge that sort of splits up some basic chores amongst the kids so I don’t always end up asking Ethan or Tyra to do everything. Ethan and Tyra have more spots on the chart than the younger ones, but as they get older they are expected to help out more. Lydia has one job each day, and that is it. Today her job is loading and unloading the dishwasher. Obviously she can’t do all of that herself, but she likes to hand me the plates and other dishes so that I can put them away, and then I let her sort out the kids silverware on her own.
She gets SO EXCITED to do her job! She will run into the kitchen and say “I do mine job?” Much much different than the older kids who all moan, or grumble or just fall to the floor when I remind them that it’s their turn to do something.
Dinah’s sixth birthday
Dinah turned 6 today!
She is growing up fast. She loves being a Girl Scout Daisy, and she loves to play, but she hates to clean up or do any form of chores because “That’s BORING!” (said while she is stopping or kicking a wall…..).
Dinah asked for strawberry cake, so that is what I made. A strawberry cake, with fresh strawberry frosting.
Dinah loves Hello Kitty, and has a small collection of Hello Kitty Mega Bloks. For her birthday we got her a Mega Bloks Hello Kitty with a car. 🙂
Utah State Fair (part 2)
Tonight was the night when kids get into the fair free and adults get in for the kids price, so we thought it would be a good day to go back to the fair. Thankfully there was no rain today. We started off by going back to Little Hands on the Farm at the request of the kids, and then we got to do the giant slide.
We went and got some tickets for the rides, because the big kids each got a ticket for a free ride with their reading forms that they turned in, but the little kids didn’t have free tickets. We walked around for a bit and decided on the snake roller coaster for the older kids.
I love how Ethan’s hair is flying in the wind. 🙂
Since Kyle took the older kids on the Snake, I got to take the little kids on a little kiddie train.
Then we let the kids try throwing some darts at some balloons to pop them, and each of them popped something or at least got a prize for trying.
We then went to the general store to redeem the free drink coupons that they kids received with their reading prizes. Then we wandered around trying to find a ride that we could use up the last of our tickets on, without having to buy a whole bunch more. We ended up needing to buy just a couple more tickets so that each of us could go down a big slide (but not as big as the giant slide).
Lydia LOVED the slide:
Adam enjoyed just chillin:
We also let the kids play the game where you try to throw ping pong balls into glass bowls filled with water. They got enough balls in the bowls to win two goldfish.
We finished up the evening by wandering around and looking at the displays in the agriculture building, and looking at the birds and rabbits.
After seeing the last of the animals and exhibits, we got some twisted taters, went and picked up our fish, and it was time to go home. We went to load the kids up in the car before splitting up the taters, but when Kyle pulled Adam out of his stroller, he made a dive for them.
Thus ended our adventures at the Utah State Fair for this year.